The Light

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Have you ever seen the dark consume the light? 

Neither have I.

We go to a dark room, we ignite the switch, candle or whatever source there is, and the darkness in it gives way for an intense focal source of whiteness to shine. Wherever we go, we always see darkness receding in favor of brightness' rule. We see darkness as a subject to light, obedient to the core to the former's whims. Of course, there may be places that have remained untouched by the shining power of the light for eons but still, if you shine a light, those ancient shadows will still relent before the authority of mere illumination.

Maybe our life works the same way. However, light and shadow take a deeper meaning than just physical concepts, so deep in fact, that we sometimes blur them and say it is gray.

The light seeks the best of us, even if sometimes that looks unreal. Its brightness shines a better tomorrow and gives us a simple solution, no tricks or twists. It is an open letter where all its clauses and possibilities are visible, so much they even look unattainable.

Why do we run away from such a beauty, such a splendid opportunity? Maybe because, as with the candle or the bulb, such light lies within the grasp of a choice. It is by our will that the light illuminates a path even in the darkest corners of our minds or hearts. If we don't reach out to its source, we will never see it.

The other reason might be the concept of the 'source' itself. Sometimes, just sometimes, we find ourselves irritated by the fact that there is not enough light in our hearts, and that to have more and enlighten our hearts,  we need others' help. Pride takes over, and many of us sink in the engulfing arms of the dark.

I have seen many souls afraid of interacting with the light of others, fearing that they may end up getting hurt or stop being who they are. However, that is because the light feels invasive at first, so much that it may hurt, as the shadows that were on the brink of overwhelming them retreat for the beauty of brightness.

I am not saying the light is good and the dark evil, I am saying both of them are good, but not equals.

You hold the power to enlighten your day, heart, mind, and every dark room in your life. All you have to do, is turn on the switch, and let the light be.

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