Hello little one

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A/N Okay guys somy little code or whatever. Might have swearing!

F/c=Favorite color

Y/N=Your Name

H/l=hair length

H/C=Hair color

E/c=Eye color

(Also for eye color you can have different color eyes.)

You also have PTSD For the story (Post Dramatic Stress Disorder)

Narrators POV:

It was a normal day for you. You left your toy shop (You make toys sorry forgot to mention) and walked down the street to look at all the small shops. You needed extra fabric but sense it was late you decided to head home. After a long day of kids looking at the toys you create, you had a big day. You walked through the woods to the shortest way to your house. When you got there, you were kinda surprised. You left the living room light on but it was off. Same with the porch light.  On your shoulder was a messenger bag with toy making materials. But there was also a weapon in your bag. A glock .45 to be exact. Your PTSD was sky rocketing and you wanted to storm your house. But you didn't. You took out your keys from your bag and unlocked the door. You shove your hand in your bag to get the gun ready for any intruders. Slowly you open the door.....


Nobody is here as far as I can see.                                                                                                                                  

I have my hand ready. I look around the house. Nobody is here. Maybe I turned off the lights without meaning to? It was stupid for me living in the middle of no where. But it's peaceful. I head to the kitchen and turn on the light. I am starving! I pulled out a frozen chicken pot pie and microwave it for 4 minutes. Then I head a creek. Oh dear god I left my gun on the counter. I look around and spot it on the counter. CLICK. It's loaded. Whoever came here is gonna regret it.

Jason's POV:

It was interesting seeing this 20 year old girl paranoid as a 37 year old man but that's the way it is. I slink in the shadows so she won't see me. She's quite pretty. With H/L flowing H/C hair and big E/C doe eyes. I think I am starting to like her more personally. I've been watching her make toys,talk to her costumers and dare I say it, sleep. She looks peaceful until something goes wrong in her dreams. I must imagine she is dreaming about the war. She was a solider. My god, that's why she is so timid. She really is beautiful, though. I walked downstairs and I forgot that the last step creaked. I heard her gasp and the click of the gun she carries around. Well might as well introduce myself. I sit down and wait for her to turn on the lights of the living room. The lights go on and I say "Why, hello little one."


"Why, hello little one." A voice says calmly. I point my gun at the voice and I was shocked to see who it was. It was Jason The Toymaker! His toys are amazing. Yet, regardless, he broke into my house and unless  I get some answers. Jason is getting a bullet through his motherfucking brains!

Narrator's POV;

You pointed the gun towards Jason. "why..why are you here?" you ask. "I think you are quite fascinated with you... your toys, my dear." Jason replied. Jason took your silence to continue. ":Sigh: I understand what happened to you, with the war. To be honest I am more fascinated with YOU than your toys. So I ask, will you come to my toy shop. Dear, I think you are a gem and.... what I'm saying is..." Jason went quiet. "He likes me." you thought. "Oh... Okay then." He looks up and smiles. "Follow me then." he said. You put your gun in your sweatshirt pocket. And you followed Jason to his toy shop.

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