Death follows me

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Cristal: Guys get up the car it's.... it's on fire come on please wake up you have to. Jessica: *coughs* what happened. Jeniya: I don't know. Maya: Do you guys smell smoke. Destiny: Yeah the car is on fire everyone out. *everyone gets out but Jessica*. Cristal: Jessica come on the car can blow up any second now. Jessica: I can't my leg is stuck *coughs* I'm feeling kinda light headed. Destiny: Come on we have to get her out of there. Jessica: *screams* stop it's not working I'm stuck but you guys go find Cristal's body.

Cristal: I'm not leaving you *pulls Jessica* come on I have to save you your the only one who can see me *body starts flickering*. Jessica: Cristal your body it's flickering what happening *screams* something stabbing me. Destiny: Cristal is that you. Cristal: You can see me. All: Yeah. Car: *fire crackling*. Jeniya: We have to get her out of there but how. Maya: Someone coming this way.

Destiny: *gets in front of car* help please stop. Stranger: What happened.  Jeniya: We crashed help our friend is still in there her leg is stuck call 911. Car: *blows up*. All: Nooo. Cristal: Oh my god Jessica. Destiny: *cries* noo. Jeniya: She can't be dead can she. Maya: Cristal your a ghost do you see her. Cristal: Noo I can't she...she isn't there.

Later on

*Siren* Paramedics: We have to check your vitals come with us. Firefighters: Come on we have to put out this fire before it reaches the trees we don't need a forest fire. Destiny: I can't believe that Jessica is dead she just tried to help now she's gone what do we do now. Maya: I don't know what do we tell Robert. Jeniya: The truth he needs to know what happened and we need to find Cristal's body so Jessica didn't die in vain.

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