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Not too long ago I was rejected. Precisely 1 year, 5 months, 4 days and 27 minutes. That's just how long. You must be wondering what type of girl keeps track of the timeline of her rejection, well it's not like I want to. Its just that everyday that goes by I'm reminded of that day. The day he chose my best friend over me. The day I was rejected. Everyday of my life I'm reminded of that day, the day he told me I wasn't good enough to be a Luna, to be him Luna. Finding out your mate loves another hurts, but your best friend? Now that's just some wicked ass pain. Of course I don't blame her she had no idea he was my mate but he sure as hell did! Its funny how a few years ago I was dreaming about my Prince charming. The guy who I'd have pups with, share a mansion and possibly love for all eternity. The guy who'd make me the happiest woman alive. But I guess I was wrong. I guess a girl can only dream. Y'know what hurts the most in this situation? The thought that it's my best friend he's with. MY BEST FRIEND! The one person I trusted, the one person who could hurt me. I guess what's done is done. But I'm no longer gonna be that quiet, shy girl, the girl who sits around waiting for her Prince charming. I'm no longer gonna be the girl who cries to mommy and daddy instead I'm gonna be strong and stand up for myself. It's time I face the facts, there's no Prince charming to pick me up when I fall so I'm gonna have to be my own Prince charming. But if there's one thing I'm sure about is that I'll make him pay. One way or another he's gonna regret rejecting me.


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