Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long delay!

Well, I am writing for the episode so I decided to move the story on from the smut and onto the next part, but there will be a lot more about their relationship in the next chapters. More love and more smut. :)

This begins after the hilarious car ride, when Shen Wei was waiting for Zhao Yunlan outside the Minster's office.

Thank you for reading.


The seconds ticked by slowly turning to minutes as he waited for Yunlan.

The corridor was empty, but the sensation of being watched made his skin crawl. Being here, in this building was difficult enough. A stronghold filled with those who considered his people to be their enemy, with the Peace Treaty as the only line between them and outright prejudice or sustained violence.

Yet, here he was standing in this corridor pretending that he, one of the most prominent figures of Dixing and a renowned enforcer of the law, was only a Biology Professor. Soft, harmless and a Dixingian living here lawfully, under the binds of the Treaty.

It stung, but he only had himself to blame for this, he knew. It was his decision to attend the wedding, yet he could not regret his choices despite the consequences leading here. He was not without options either, some that would not even reflect on Zhao Yunlan personally, or damage his career, if he chose to use those options to escape this situation.

For the moment though, he had decided he would remain here, playing the role he had created and wait to see what the result would be. It would be absurd to damage what he had built or risk hurting Yunlan in some way, simply escape a light punishment or restrictions that would not hold him, in his position as Envoy.

He would wait and bide his time. Kunlun, he knew would have approved.


Despite the danger of being here, his concentration kept slipping, focusing instead on his new hoard of memories, already so treasured. Yunlan's smile lascivious and sweet, those eyes of black jade glittering in the morning light over breakfast, the bite impression made by his teeth so vivid on his neck...

The feel of Zhao Yunlan's skin against his own, that low rumbling moan and...

He was forging a relationship with Zhao Yunlan...

The thought brought emotion to his throat, feelings Shen Wei had thought long buried or eradicated over time. Here he was on the cusp of building a life with Kunlun, at a time when Zhao Yunlan was in the most danger. It was madness but Shen Wei would destroy worlds to keep his promise. No one would be allowed to claim Yunlan's life, not while he still breathed.

It was selfish and foolish but the time, the moment when he could have simply walked away, dissolving his identity as a Professor, returning to never see that beautiful face again...the very thought was a icy blade through his heart. That moment was entirely, irreparably out of his reach. Leaving his Xiao Lan now was impossible.

He spent most of the night watching him sleep...the rise and fall of his chest, each breath a gift, a blessing that had tears blinding him. He was allowed to lie next to him, to feel his warmth and when Yunlan had shifted, moving closer to him, nestling in his arms as if it was the most natural thing in the world...he had been floating, lost in love and joy.

He had promised Yunlan his life, pledged silently to the deeply cherished man in his arms. For once he didn't think of Dixing, of old promises that held him in chains, of Ye Zun and the years of betrayal. No, he thought of how for the first time in his long life, he was beginning to understand what home meant.

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