Chapter 14

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Mengrui put his book down and got up, he smiled kindly since his ma was there "follow me, I'll show you to where you will sleep"

Shuanghui stared at him for a moment  he let out a small cough and followed Mengrui "i'm gonna take it that refusing to stay isn't an option"

Mengrui since they where out of the sight of his ma his cold tone reterned "I would gladly show you the door, but as much as I dislike you, I don't wish death on anyone so just deal with staying for the night and leave in the morning"

Shuanghui laughed a little "you should smile more"

Mengrui opened the door to the spare room "shut up, you will be staying here"

Shuanghui looks inside the room, ot was practically empty except for a bed and some empy cupboard "whats your room like"

"none of your business" Mengrui coldly replies and heads to his door "don't even think about coming in" he said before slamming his door behind him

Shuanghui went into the spare room and shut the door, he didn't hesitate to grab a pillow and lay on the floor with it like usual


as morning came Li twins went looking for Shuanghui since he wasn't at the family home, their mother told them he'd be at Tang's dispite not seeing his bike they knocked on Tang's apartment door and waited for an answer

Tang answers sleepily "morning to the Li twins what brings you both here so early"

"Ma said that didi is here can you get him for us" Li Kaihan said

"He's not here" Tang walks back in leaving the door open and brings back Shuanghui's phone "he left this after you left him at the hospital"

Juanshou and Kaihan look at each other Jaunshou takes the phone "do you know where he is?"

Tang shrugged scratching his head "Try that kids home, he said he was going to give the kid his medicine"

with that both the men turned and walked off without another word but Juanshou stopped and looked at Tang "Address?"

Tang gives him the address and heads back in

Once at Mengrui's house Kaihan points out the bike "He's here"

Juanshou laughed "staying at the husbands house and told ma he was staying with Tang ge"

Kaihan walked over knocking on the door, Juanshou got out and followed him up, the door opened just as Juanshou reached the top of the steps

Mengrui looked at the Li twins and smiled "please tell me you came to take him home"

Kaihan laughed "did he do something"

Mengrui's face darkened as he frowned "take him"

Juanshou ruffles Mengrui's hair "where is he?"

Mengrui looks behind him "still in bed i guess" he says as he steps back letting them inside

Juanshou and Kaihan smile and both say together "thank you for having us" before following Mengrui up the stairs leading them to the door

Kaihan opened the door "DIDI WE COME TO TAKE..... ah he really is asleep"

Shuanghui stirred a bit and rolled over on the floor Juanshou pulled kaihan back out and shut the door "I guess we should let him sleep, I bet he didn't while he was watching over his Xiao Kong"

Mengrui frowned "don't call me his and he slept when we was at the hospital"

the Li twins chuckled slightly

Kaihan headed back down "I doubt it, this is the first time I've seen him actually capeable of sleeping somewhere other then Tang's house or home"

Juanshou nodded and followed Kaihan "we'll come and get him when he wakes you have our numbers"

Kong Meirong walks out of the kitchen seeing the 2 men on their way down "oh...who are these 2 handsome men"

Mengrui looks over the side "ma"

Li Juanshou and Kaihan speak at the same time "we are Li Shuanghui's gege"

Kong Meirong smiles kindly at them "Nice to meet you"

Kaihan nodded as Juanshou spoke "Nice to meet you to Ayi, I'm also sorry for the lies and trouble our father has caused you"

Mengrui sighed and headed back to his room

Kong Meirong looked past the twins "where do you think you are going, come down I'll make some tea, and breakfast"

Mengrui sighed and showed the twins to the front room, they had a mischievous smile as they followed

"this is a nice place" Kaihan said before sitting down

Juanshou nodded "yeah no wonder why Shuanghui was able to sleep, maybe because Xiao kong here is a lot like him"

Mengrui frowned "don't compare me to that idiot"

Kaihan smirked "is there a reason you are so cold hearted to my brother, if he done somethig wrong we will sort him out"

Kong Meirong walks in with tea "don't take it personal he's always been like this except with me and Xiao Dong"

Mengrui sighed and grabbed a book before sitting down

Meirong takes the book from him "don't sit there go and wake up Xiao Li, breakfast will be ready shortly"

"yes ma" he gets up and heads upstairs

Kaihan went to grab Mengrui "ah but"

Juanshou grabs him back "it's fine, he wont hurt Mengrui"

Meirong headed back into the kithen to finish breakfast

Mengrui knocked on the spare bedroom door before opening it, he looked confused seeig no one in the bed then spotted Shuanghui on the floor "hmm, are you really asleep" he walks in and nudges Shuanghui "idiot wake up"

Shuanghui just grumbled "leave me alone"

Mengrui frowned and kicks his side slightly "ma said to get you up so get up"

Shuanghui rolled over turning his back to Mengrui "make me"

Mengrui grabbs his arm and punches him in the chest "get up"

Shuanghui grabs Mengrui and pulls him down and holds him "in a minute"

Mengrui kicks him "get off me"

Shuanhui smirked and stared at Mengrui  "no answer my question first"


"why do you you hate me"

Mengrui frowned "I don't hate you, i just don't like you or any strangers, now get up"

Juanshou walks in "whats taking so....long"

Shuanghui looked up letting Mengrui go

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