Broken Heart; New Start

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Okay so Second Story. I'm going to attempt to do this properly. My last story failed. Enjoy.

Please open the External Link to see a picture of Addy.

"Mom!" I yelled, standing on my toes to see over the couch that the movers are bringing in. "Mom!" I yelled once more getting a bit annoyed by my mom seems deaf ears in this open room. "Yes honey?" My mom asked, looking up from her notebook that neatly planned out where she wanted everything. "I'm going out for a walk." I said as one of the workers rolled their eyes, obviously thinking I was one of those teenage girls that wouldn't lift a box for fear of breaking a nail. "Okay honey, have fun." My mom said, as she pointed her finger towards the wall she wanted the chair to be set.

I walked out the door and down the drive way, past more workers along with my dad and eleven year old brother. I looked over at the green grass yard, now the front yard to this new house that I'm forced to call home. "Addy!" My younger sister Natalie called from under the tiny maple tree. "Come play dolls with me!" She yelled holding up her two favorite Barbie dolls. I looked over towards Natalie, her five year old innocence still intact. "No thanks Natalie, maybe later." I answered, finishing my walk down the driveway. Natalie's eyes turned into puppy dog eyes as I turned down the driveway walking away from her, before she finally gave up and began playing once again with her dolls.

I turned down the street, walking towards the park filled with kids, making this town of 800 seem like a town of 8,000. I turned past that; something about sitting alone on a park bench just seemed like the strangers that parents tell their children to avoid while their still young. I kept walking until I turned towards a tiny diner.

I opened up the door, a tiny bell ringing as I sat down on a cushioned stool. My eyes wandered this little diner, everything from the signed celebrities' pictures on the walls to the stoned flooring. "Hello, and what can I get you?" A teenage boy behind the counter asked. I looked up, my eyes right away locking on his white apron as my mind wondered towards the possibilities of whom and what he could be. "Just a water" I answered, looking up at his face as I gave a faint smile. "Oh, so I take your not from around here then." He said as my head wondered the possibilities of what made him think that. "Yup, just moved in." I said as he turned around filling up a cup of water. "And just being curious but what makes me seem 'not around here'?" I asked my Minnesota accent now seeming stronger. "You just ordered a water." He said chuckling before he began again. "Most people order a whole meal." He finished, as he sat down my water.

"$1.50" He said, smiling as I reached for the ten dollar I tucked away in my back pocket. I handed him the ten dollars, as he reached for it handing me back the change. "And your accent is a bit stronger." He added smiling. "Yeah, well you know 15 years of living in north Minnesota can do a lot." I said, smiling as I looked back down at my crystal clear water. His eyes where staring at me, as I felt his brown eyes locked on me, like a claw machine locks onto the stuff animal you wanted. "I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." He said breaking the silence.

I looked up from my water, looking at his puppy brown eyes that made my stomach fill with butterflies. "You never asked." I said smiling. "But it's Addy."....

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