Chapter 8

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Warnings: angst

Originally published here:

Roman was kneeling down to him as he said, a smile on his lips: "Tibby, I know that it is hard for you and I absolutely respect that, but Master sounds so much like you being a slave and that is the last thing that I want. It's Roman. Do you think you can do that?" Tibby was staring at him with big eyes but as soon as he realized that Roman was serious, he returned his smile, nodding his head, saying: "Yes I think I can do that. What can Tibby do for you?" Roman told the little house elf that you needed some of your clothes and asked him whether he could go to your dorm in order to get some and bring them to you. Tibby nodded in agreement and the next moment he was gone while you were staring at the spot, where he had stood just seconds before and that was empty now.

"Sorry about that.", Roman chuckled as he sat down next to you on the bed while you were shaking your head in disbelief. "You have a house elf?", you wanted to know with Roman responding: "Every teacher has one. Those are the same house elves, that prepare the food for everyone around here on a daily basis and that clean the castle, but there are certain house elves that respond to us on top. I really hate asking them for favors. I know that they love fulfilling them but ordering them around... I don't know, I just can't stand it."

"Of course not, you rather save that for your students, don't you?"

"Just for one in particular.", he winked at you as he could tell that you were clearly joking. You laughed out loud, before you wanted to know more seriously: "Do you think that Tibby will tell anyone about me being here? I mean not that I would mind if people knew, but I don't want that you get into trouble because of that." Roman shook his head as he pulled you closer, mumbling: "Don't worry. House elves certainly don't go around, spreading information like that. They are beyond loyal. And I really couldn't care less whether I'm in trouble or not. I love you and no-one can change that."

As you opened your mouth for an answer, there was another loud noise and Tibby appeared again, holding a bunch of your clothes in his tiny hands. You got off the bed and moved over to him, kneeling down in front of him as he was holding the pile of clothes out to you. "Here Miss.", he squeaked as you took your clothes, smiling at the little creature in front of you, replying: "Thank you so much Tibby. You are a lifesaver." You were sure that he blushed slightly before he nodded his head and disappeared again.

"Looks like you abashed him.", Roman laughed as he watched you getting up while you shrugged your shoulders, giggling: "Yeah I have that effect on others." You looked at the pile in your hands, uncertain whether you should get dressed in front of him. Roman seemed to have noticed your hesitance, as he moved over to you, pulling you closer and giving you a soft kiss before he said: "I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing you naked once again that morning but if you prefer getting dressed in privacy, the bathroom is at the end of the floor."

"Getting dressed in front of you would probably mean missing all lectures for today indeed as we would certainly end up in bed again. So I'm not taking any risks, professor.", you said amused as you tiptoed to place a kiss on his cheek, whispering in his ear: "I'm right back." With that you headed for the bathroom, leaving Roman behind, only to return approximately 10 minutes later, announcing: "Okay I'm ready to go and prepared to let the day begin. Well kind of..." You were absent minded playing with the necklace around your neck as you noticed Roman's amused expression. "What is it?", you wanted to know as he pointed to the pendant, that was falling between your breasts, stating: "You should keep that thing save forever and ever. If it wasn't for that..." You walked over to him, wrapping your hands around his neck as you smiled up to him, finishing his sentence: "There would be no us now. Sounds strange, huh?"

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