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   "Baby, I have found great concern from the mood swings you have been suffering from." Emmet confronted Baby. Baby already hated this, but he did have a point. The mood swings have been getting worse. Both more often and stronger. It scared Emmet to death.
   "Y-yes cap?" Baby wanted to end this.
   "I know how you are like at heart. And the mood swings are trying to change you." Emmet continued not stopping for Baby.
   "Well, I'm sorry that sometimes I can't control myself. I guess they were correct. I'm just a stupid crybaby bitch!" Baby suddenly changed. Like a spin of a wheel.
   "B-Baby." Emmet was speechless. Could this be his true colors? "W-who said these lies?" he asked.
   "Mother and father Bronco." Baby said as clear as a crystal ball. Tears filed Emmet's eyes. Then it all clicked in. All of the mood swings. They were not because of the pills. He was breaking down. And he just shattered like a porcelain cup that was dropped.
   "B-Baby. I-I need this." Emmet was still at a loss for words. He went up to Baby and kissed him. Baby blushed hard.
   "If you look closely you can see a scar on my neck." Baby informed Emmet. Emmet looked to find a scar on Baby's neck.
   "I'm here for you." Emmet started. Baby decided not to try and stop him. "I can give you the love you didn't have." he continued with a hard to see blush taking shape on his face.
   "W-what is love?" Baby asked becoming flustered. Emmet then kissed him again. It was like someone who had never kissed anything in their life. A blush claimed the bigger man's face. And he became suddenly hot. But Emmet knew. He then shortly unlocked his lips. But still close to Baby's face. Baby's breath made Emmet's glasses fogy. He got up to clean his now dirty glasses.
   "Love is very complex," Emmet stated cleaning his glasses. "I could not explain love to you. It would have to be felt." he finished. Feeling pleased by his answer. Yet he knew, knew that Baby still did not understand what love is. He wanted to do so much to Baby to show his love. But he did not want to take a chance, by confessing his love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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