Chapter 1

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A long time ago, Earth was roamed by several species. Wolves, Vampires, Humans, and witches. For centuries all creatures lived together. At the turn of the century, a group of humans rose above the others and believed that humans were the superior race. They made it their mission to turn humanity against the other races. Weapons were stolen, packs were slaughtered, villages raided. The least powerful race had become the feared. Packs and covens went into hiding. Not only did humans succeed in forcing others into hiding, they also taught their children that these other races were far from real. To this day, any child who expresses interest in these creatures has their ideas crushed and told they are imaginary. It's frowned upon in society to act childish and rebel against the idea of fictional monsters.

However, unbeknownst to humanity, these creatures are no longer in hiding. They live among the humans as neighbors, coworkers, lovers. Because of this, a new race has sprung into existence. Halflings. The product of these creatures mating with humans. These halflings can learn to be as or even more powerful than those who sired it. They can learn to take the power of the human soul and combine it with the powers the gods have blessed them with.

There is a sad truth. Halflings are often rejected from their covens. They are isolated from their families for being what is seen as impure. It's often said that these children are the gods way of punishing covens. Thoughts vary depending on which god the species worships. The wolves are more accepting as they believe that the moon goddess does not make mistakes nor has malicious intent to punish her children. The vampires believe that their god, Lucifer, is a vindictive god, and will use his creations to punish those that he deems unworthy of his power. Because of their rejection from society, halflings have created a place where they can live and learn away from those who shun them. A place where halflings of different races can come together and become a new family. They come here and learn how to benefit the world. Here they can train to become healers, warriors, leaders.

Every halfing that comes to this place, comes with their own goal. whether it be to protect others, restore honor to their pack, or reclaim a leadership position that was stolen from them. Some just come so they can make this community of rejects better. 

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