Short Story #1

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        My voice went hoarse as I was continueously screaming obcenities to the wall of my small, poorly lit bedroom. Angry, I kept imagining repetitively punching holes into the wall next to me. As I was sitting against my bed, the frame jabbing me in the back, a sullen thought seeped into realization. Nobody was home, and I felt masively alone, like I've been abandoned. Not the first time, but nevermind that. This is now, and in this now I wish to be traversing the country side, or running through the forest, maybe even hopping trains. The thrill of doing so was a distraction of what was really going on. It is the break of dawn, the sunrise glimmering out of my loft window as I glaced at its everlasting beauty, struck the heartof my existance. Not a care of it was in my mind as the frustration bellowed inside, boiling over, like the half-made dinner on the stove downstairs. Everything seemed to be a crime scene, that I was that awkward ghost sitting in the corner not being able to do a thing. 

        I started to quickly pull clothes out of my drawers. Two pairs of jeans, definatelty underwear, A thermal long-sleeve shirt plus some T's, socks, and  a freshly sharpend knife I stole from my brother. I ran to the garage door and fetched a pre-rolled sleeping bag and tied it to my green army pack. Step after step into the kitchen I filled up my water bottle amd stuck it snuggly into my pack. Some bandaids. gause, gause tape, womanly toiletries, all from the bathroom closet into my pack. Running up the stairs almost forgetting the pictures I had of my passed on mother and my dear significant other, I stuffed them into my pocket, after a breif moment of looking at them as I was trying so hard not to let go of those fond memories. I tied on my shoes, and headed out the front door with just the clothes on my back plus a carhart jacket overlapping a soft Old Navy(TM) black hoodie, truding into the forestry wich adventually led to a gravel road. 

        As I was stomping through the underbrush, I got this hazy feeling, so lost and carried away. Not just from home life, but from who I was. Who I want to be. So when I got lost through the forest, dawn turning to dusk, I got lost in my own messed up tangled thoughts. 

By the way this story is not true or based on a truth.

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