Chapter 1 - Mean Girl(s)

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Hihelloheyyy :) This is actually my " second " book. My first book was HORRIBLE. I wrote it 2 years ago; it was not completed but I just did not know what I was thinking. I would prefer not to say what that book was called because I'm kind of embarrassed about it. I think I would have deleted it by now. 

To be totally honest, I do not know what this story is going to be about, I am just creating it as I go. I do not even know how often I will be updating this because my exams are coming (( not as if I'll be studying HAHAHHA anyway )) so... I don't even know yet. Basically, I don't know what I'm doing right now, so I'm just gonna wing it. :D Wish me luck, also please excuse my mistakes.

This story is about an average girl. NOT. Kay, it's about an ordinary girl living an extra-ordinary life (( not really ))

Everything used to be normal, and boring, but we will exclude that. It all started one morning.

RING. My alarm started, noisy af. I feel around in the dark. (( I probably looked like a seal having a seizure )) I pick up my phone and hiss as the bright light shined on my face. I squint as I pressed 'snooze'. 6am. I slip on my fluffy-ass shoes and drag myself to the bathroom. As cliche as this sounds, it's the first day of school. I am currently 17 years old, my name's Kaeli Rose Butler. My friends call my Kae. My parents are in the house, somewhere. I usually wake myself up, 1. I don't want to trouble them, 2. They don't really bother. I mean, come on, who's parents would actually bother to wake their child, soon to be adult, mind you. up in the morning and make them breakfast. I know mine doesn't. Anyway, enough of that crap.

I put on a navy blue crop top and a pair of plain leggings. I look at myself in the mirror. Hmm, not so bad for a first day of school. But as I look up, I sigh. If only my hair didn't look like that, this would have been the first time I was actually coming close to decent. I roughly brush my hair because ain't nobody got time for hair, unless they have 30 minutes to spare. (( BOOM. Did you see me just pop in that rhyme? You can also call my Kae the bae. zayumm just rhymed again )) Like seriously, it's 6.30am I'm supposed to leave home at 6.45am. I need time for breakfast yo. Some people skip breakfast, but 'skip' isn't in my vocabulary. Hell naw am I skipping the first meal of the day. (( don't get me wrong, I'm not over weight or anything )) I chuck my brush across the room, put my hair in a messy side braid, shove my feet in a pair of boots cause I'm a cowboy and run down the stairs like a maniac. I actually missed the first 2 steps so I slipped and slid down the stairs instead. I reached the bottom and my butt felt sore. I just got up and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and pretended like nothing happened. Trust me, this doesn't happen on all my first days of school.

I make myself some blueberry pancakes and orange juice and make my way to school. I haven't really described how I look like, so here it goes. I have straight chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. I'm 5"2. I am a student at Northberry High. I'm a A and B student and I'm the only child.

Before I go to school, I will stop by Mackenzie's house, then we'll walk to school together. Mackenzie, aka Zie. So we're both pronounced as letters of the alphabet. I'm K/Kae and she's Z/Zie. We've been friends for a long time. Both of us go way back. Our moms are BFFFLs since they were in middle school. Anyway, I see Zie waiting for me. She's sitting on her front steps eating licorice, both of our favs, she's busy texting the shit out of her phone.

" You're not gonna split that with me? " I say. She jumps, throwing her phone in the air. 

" Shit, Kae, you gotta stop that. I've been through 3 phones cause of you. " she says that while pulling the licorice apart, handing one piece to me. 

" Thanks." I mumble, occupied eating it. We walk while gossiping about stuff, like boys and homework and teachers, basically stuff associated with Hell aka school. Both of us are inseparable. We've been through alot of shit together. Like that one time when her mom's old 'friend', Savannah/Savvy, tried to knock us down with her car because she was angry with Zie's mom for some reason. She was arrested after that.

My mouth dropped open as I saw James Richardson saunter through the school gates. Why does he always look so hawt. I don't understand. 

" Close your mouth Kae " I shut it instinctively. We follow him through the gates and I caught a whiff of his cologne. DaYuM. I silently cry as I knew we won't ever be together. He walked up to Jacqueline, or should I say JackA-line (( haaha, get it? )) and kissed her passionately. Zie whisked me away as I knew she knew what I felt. We walked to our lockers and split ways. We only had 2 classes together. *sigh* Class passed by as boring as usual. Uneventful. We just introduced ourselves to each other bleh bleh bleh. It was recess and then self-study time after that. So I could hang out with Zie for 2 hours. I met her in the cafeteria and we lined up for our food. I like school food. Not the best, but edible. Good enough for me. As we walked back after getting our food, I was talking to Zie. All of a sudden, my tray flips forward because JackA-line walked into me. Don't get me wrong, she is a JackA, but nobody messes with her. She is your typical bitchy popular cheerleader (( not all cheerleaders are mean btw )) She is a person who will seek revenge if someone messes with her. And her boyfriend is surely on her team.

" WHAT THE HELL! EWEWEWEWEWEW! GET THIS OFF OF ME! JAMES! " She screams, no doubt making everyone deaf. Everyone looks at her. I hear a few mumbles and giggles among the crowd. JackA-line looks forward and her eyes shoot spears through me. 

" YOU. YOU RUINED MY CLOTHES! OMF. MY SHOES! THE SHOES JAMES BOUGHT ME! " I gasp in horror. The mac and cheese was in her hair and on her clothes, some fell in her clothes, her bag was drowning in my soda.

" I-IM  SOOO S-SORRY! " I stutter idiotically.

So that's the first chapter! Pretty long! (( thats what she said )) I hope you enjoyed it! I don't know when the next update will be though! I hope you will bear with me. Thanks for reading it though!


Anonymous Forevawesome <-- don't judge, I created this name 2 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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