Chapter 4 - Love at first sight

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Taehyung's POV

Listening to our manager calling our names I feel nervous. I looked at Jiminie, I saw him shaking due to nervousness. I hold his hand and whisper to him.

"It's fine Jiminie, we will find her..." I said patting his back.

He smiled to me and I return the gesture too. We relax our self and listen to our manager again.

"Kim Taehyung." he said calling my name.

"Yes." I answer.

"Passed." he said smiling at me.

"Yes!" I said dancing weird together with Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, Suga-hyung, Hobi-hyung and Kookie who also passed the exam accidentally forgot my best friend beside me.

"And last but not the least..." he said.

"Park Jimin." he said and we all returned to our spot waiting for the result.

"Yes." Jimin answer.

My heart beat so fast because I know passed it or not, it will change Jiminie so much.

"What do you think your result be?" he asked.

"I don't know...." Jimin said unsure.

"I'm sorry Jimin-ssi...." manager said.

"Oh...I get it..." Jimin said forcing his self not to tear up.

"Hyung, Jimin study so hard for that. It's impossible for him to failed!" I said angrily.

"I'm fine Taehyung...I guess I'm such an unlucky guy..." he said smiling sadly.

"Haist, this kid..." our manager said sighing.

"Taehyung-ssi, can you keep your mouth shut and listen to me? I didn't even finish what I am saying..." he said while crossing his arm.

I shut up, apologized for interrupting him and continue to listen.

"So as I was saying before I was interrupted earlier...I'm sorry Jimin-ah..." he said.

"I know, I'm fine." Jimin said looking at the floor.

"No, your not. Here..." he said giving the result paper to Jimin.

Jimin looked at it and sigh. We try to look at it but Jimin fold it and put it on the table. He stood up and thank everyone before going to his room. We follow his movement with a lot of question in our mind.

Jin-hyung looked at our manager questioning Jimin's reaction. Our manager just shrugged and talk to the director and staffs.

"What happen?" Hobi-hyung asked.

"Did he really failed?" Kookie asked.

We all looked at each other then to the paper on the top of the table. We immediately get the paper and looked at it. Suga-hyung unfold it and read it out loud.

Mr. Park,

We are glad to inform you that your exam got one of the highest score and we are happy to welcome you in our school.

Sincerely Yours,
School Admin

Jimin's POV

I was walking to the hallway looking at every door I passed by to know if she was there. Everyone I passed, I greet and bow at them, some of them are blushing and some are screaming. I look at the room on my right side, I keep looking at everyone until my sight land on a particular girl. The girl who's with her when I last saw her, she was standing there smiling and talking to her friend. I take a deep breath and walk near her. Everyone gasp and whispered something. The girl looked at me with wide eyes and blushing.

"Um...can I talk to you?" I asked.

"H-Huh? Y-yes..." She said blushing.

I guide her outside and talked to her privately.

"Do you know where Jiwon is?" I asked.

"W-why?" she asked stuttering.

"Nothing, i just want to know..." I said.

"Hmm....I think she's in our club." she said after thinking.

"Can I know where is it?" I asked.

"Of course, I can also show it to you if you want..." she said smiling.

I nod, thank her and we walk together to the club.

Before we got inside I heard someone sing a song, I followed the voice inside and found myself freeze to what I saw. Two girls singing, they are good and their voice blend with each other. But the one who caught my attention is the girl playing the guitar, she has a sweet voice and her face is like an angel, pure and innocent.

I was listening to the sweet melody when I was interrupted by my best friend jumping and clinging on my back.

"Jimin-ah....there you are. Did you find her?" he asked.

"N-no." I said not looking at him.

Taehyung looked where I am looking and smirk at me.

"Don't you dare..." I said threatening him.

He laughed quietly and look at the girls.

"Oh?! Nagyung? Lee Nagyung?" He said shock.

The girls stop singing and the girl he called Nagyung look at our direction.

She got shocked when she realized who called her.

"T-Taehyung-oppa?" She question but later on run and hug Taehyung.

"Nagyungie...." He said hugging her.

I looked at him confused.

He looked at me breaking their hug. "Jiminie, this is Nagyung, my childhood best friend." He said facing the girl to me. "Nagyungie, this is Jimin, my best friend." He added. I smiled at the girl and offer my hand, she accept it and smile.

Taehyung whisper something to her and she laughed looking at me. Before I asked what it is Nagyung called the angelic girl. I looked at Taehyung shocked but he just shrugged at me laughing his ass off.

The angelic girl walk toward us with the girl I came before and Nagyung introduce us to them.

"Guys, these are my unnies. This is Jang Gyuri, (she point the girl who show me the room) and this is Song Hayoung (Pointing at the angelic girl)." She said.

And that's were I believe in "Love at first sight".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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