Chat Noir's the name

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Your Pov
As it drove You took a deep breath and listened to music.

-Time skip to home-

You pulled out my home work when you saw this box that was red and black. You opened it and there was a wolf tail necklace. Then a glowing ball flew from it. Then there was this flying thing "WHO ARE YOU?!!!! WHAT ARE YOU?!!!" You yelled at the kwami "I'm Mixx and I'm your kwami." You looked at it and said "Your actually cute.". She kissed my cheek and said "thank you." You then put on the necklace. "If you want to transform just say Mixx let's hunt!" Mixx says. You nod and then run downstairs when you hear screams. My whole downstairs is broken and then you yell " MIXX LET'S HUNT!. I transformed.

I looked at me then ran to me I pulled out two katanas and started slicing everything threw at me

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I looked at me then ran to me I pulled out two katanas and started slicing everything threw at me. Heartbreaker shot an arrow at me I broke it. Then a guy in a black jumpsuit came and started fighting and a women came in a ladybug jumpsuit and started fighting. I put my tail on my face and watched at they fought.Then the bow flew to me. I broke it and kissed the butterfly and it turned White. There eyes widen and I giggled and said "Aww you two look like the most purrfect partners." "She likes puns!" The guy said. "I'm Chat Noir and this is m'lady ladybug." He says. I respond "I'm h/n (Hero name)." Well I'm a pawsitive we could be a good team." Chat laughed while Ladybug just face palmed. My necklace beeped and I said "Welp gotta pounce." I jumped away to my room. I purred before I de transformed.

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