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Zayn smiled softly, looking at Liam in a fond way as the screen of the T.V made his face glow. Liam laughed at something from the movie, they were watching The Notebook.. or maybe The Vow? Zayn didn't remember, he had been staring at Liam for the past 30 minutes because he thought that Liam looked just beautiful.

"Zee, will you please stop staring at me?" Liam asked, looking at Zayn.


"Pretty please? It's distracting, I'm trying to watch the movie"

"I can think of something that would be even more distracting"

"And what would that be?"


And Zayn kissed Liam's lips softly. Liam hummed against Zayn's lips smiling. 

"I love you" Liam mumbled

"Mhmm, love you too... so much"

"I bet that I love you more"

"Nahh... that's not possible"

Liam just chuckled. He brought his hand up to Zayn's face to cradle it softly. 

"You're beautiful you know?" Liam said

Zayn smiled, kissing Liam again because really, he could kiss those lips for years on end he thinks. Liam brought Zayn on his lap, kissing him harder. Zayn brought his hand up to Liam's neck, making Liam giggle against Zayn's lips.

"That tickles" He said, laughing.

"Oh god, I'm in love with a dork" Zayn said, not being able to hide the fondness in his smile.

Liam just brought his lips back on Zayn's, laying him down. Their lips moved in sync, and sometime between Liam grinding on Zayn and Liam softly nibbling at Zayn's bottom lip, Zayn thought I'm glad I'm in love with a dork.


"You guys asked me to meet you? Oh, and can you be quick? I have a date with Liam soon" Zayn said, taking a seat in Modest!Management's office.

"Well, about Liam, you need to break up with him Zayn..."

"Excuse me?"

"We can't let the fans know you're gay"

"You can't make me break up with him!"

Then Greg, the head of management dropped pieces of paper on the desk in front of him, showing Zayn where he had signed his name.

"Actually, I can, this is your contract and if you don't break up with Liam, I will have no choice but to kick you out of the band... Now..." he continued, ignoring Zayn's death glare "This is Dasya." He said as a girl with blue eyes and short blonde hair came into the room "She will be your beard, we have to make it believable and that means that Liam needs to think you're real as well..."

"Please don't make me do this" Zayn said, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Zayn... Now, we will give you 24 hours to break up with Liam, see you then" 

"You are a fucking asshole!" Zayn cried, kicking the chair and storming out of the room, Dasya running after him.

"Zayn..." She said sympetheticly, rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry for taking this job, I couldn't think straight because I just got fired from my job and I can't let my girlfriend do all the work, I did this for her, I really am sorry..."

"It's fine..."

"No it's not Zayn, but I don't think I can drop out of this, they made me sign a contract... Funny what they can make you do when you're desperate right?"

"Well I better go break up with the only person I've ever been in love with then..." Zayn said, tears still in his eyes.

Dasya smiled sympathetically, saying a soft "bye" and then waving goodbye, she really felt bad for Zayn, she wanted to help him somehow but didn't know the way to.


"Zaynie!" Liam cried happily, jumping into Zayn's arms and gving him a kiss. "I missed you, now, you said you wanted to tell me a little something, what is it?"

"Last night, I spent the whole night thinking about our relationship. And, I thought, the feeling isn't really there anymore, I don't feel anything towards you anymore" He replied smoothly, the truth was that he had spent the whole night thinking about Liam, about how brown his beautiful eyes were, how soft his lips were but how rough his kiss was. How he always felt sparks when he was touching Liam and when Liam was touching him.

"Very funny Zayn, what were you really going to tell me?" Liam said, a small part of him thought it was real but he didn't want to believe it.

"I'm not kidding Liam, I'm really sorry, but I think we should take a break, it's for the best"

"Zayn... no" Liam said, he could litteraly feel his heart break, it made a loud crack and made him numb all over, he couldn't even cry, he was too shocked and he was in denial of the whole thing.

"Please don't leave me..." Liam whispered quietly as Zayn started to leave.

"Bye Liam..." was his reply.

Once Liam had come to a conclusion that yes, this was real and it wasn't just some joke, his body let him cry. Tears fell and his body was shaking uncontrolably. He felt hopeless and angry. He took his phone and threw it at the wall, not even flinching when he heard it break. Picking up his favorite photo of him and Zayn inside a glass frame, he looked at it and thumbed it softly. He threw it to the same wall, along with everything else that reminded him of Zayn, the couch; ripped into pieces, almost all his CDs and DVDs, ripped in half. He took Zayn's sweater that he had left the night before but didn't have the heart to destroy it, so he slipped it on and fell into a heap on the couch, sobbing.


So, first chapter is up, it's not going to match 100% with the Take My Heart larry, so it's just Zayn and Liam's side, it's not a version of the Take My Heart. I recommend you guys listen to the song on the side, I used to listen to it all the time and it was one of my favorite songs, I think it's underated. So... yah... Leave your feedback. I love you all.

[trailer is on the side, my friend amarta named it. be sure to suscribe, she just started her youtube channel today :)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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