Something really fishy!!!!

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"Zhen is going back to the imperial palace. Will be back in three days," the emperor stated, his eyes staring down the little figure before him.

G. Li's hands that were tying his robe halted as she looked up to meet her gaze with his.

"Three days?" she asked hesitantly. Her round hazel eyes looked up at him, an unknown emotion swirling in them.

"En," Zhu Zhen replied, stroking her hair.

His answer somehow managed to fill G. Li's heart with unfamiliar sadness. Three long days here without him in this unknown place. Although she had been here for days, she didn't know anything about the people. She never got out of the palace. Hell, she didn't even bother to roam around the whole palace yet.

Moreover, she didn't have any friends here. She never tried to start a conversation with anyone, but now, without the king, how is she gonna survive here three days?

Fear rose in her mind thinking about staying here without her husband. Though there was no one close to her, she felt it safe living here believing that someone was there to protect her, to care for her. Yeah, it was true that they rarely spent time together. Hell, they never had a proper conversation until now. Still, she had a firm belief that he would be always there for her.

But now-

Zhu Zhen's gaze fixed on her little fingers nervously twiddling with his robe straps. He could sense her hesitance to let him go. Slowly pulling her chin up with his fingers, he stared at her eyes. A soft smile appeared on his lips, encouraging her to share her turmoil with him.

G. Li gulped as she peeped at him beneath her trembling lashes. She was just a maid. How could she tell him, the emperor, not to leave her here?

"Is it really important to go?" she asked nervously. Heaven knows how she wanted him to reply negatively.

Zhu Zhen chuckled as he kept on watching her nervous figure with undeniable adoration in his eyes. He then pulled her to his chest, making her squeal out loud before cradling her head slowly.

"Do you want Zhen to go?" he asked, tightening his hold around her.

Heaven knows how G. Li wanted to mutter the word 'no,' but she couldn't bring herself to beg him. She knew she couldn't stop herself from choking her sobs if she opened her mouth now.

So, she just closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth around her. Her arms moved around his waist of their own accord as she snuggled closer to him.

Though Zhu Zhen was stunned at first at her approach, his heart fluttered with an indescribable joy knowing she cared.

"Don't worry. Zhen will try to come back as soon as possible," he whispered his promise while his fingers rubbed circles on her back soothing her.

G. Li only tightened her hold around his waist as her reply. Her already closed eyes burned with unshed tears as she tried her best to stop them from flowing out.

I will wait.

It was already evening. Warm brownish-red light radiated from the setting sun, peeking through their window, enlightening a silhouette of two figures hugging each other. Both of them stood there, their eyes closed as if they were enjoying the warmth they provided to each other.

As time passed, the day was reaching its end, but it was also the only witness of the moment of a new beginning.

Zhu Zhen sighed as he leaned his head against the carriage chair while it ran through the forest. His heart felt heavy with an unfamiliar agony. He closed his eyes to get rid of this heaviness on his chest.

But as soon as his eyes closed, a small face flashed before him. Her quivering lips, sadness filled in those round eyes. Zhu Zhen's fists clenched on his lap as he remembered how her hands tightly grasped his sleeves not letting go when he was about to get on the carriage.

Heaven knows how he wanted to cancel his journey right then and there, but something big was happening in the imperial palace, and Empress Dowager requested his presence there as soon as possible. It was too important to ignore.

Sighing helplessly, the emperor looked outside the carriage window, staring blankly at the horizon.

I will be back soon, love. I promise.

"Behold! The emperor arrives," the eunuch at the door bellowed. His voice echoing all around the palace, silencing the chattering noise immediately.

Zhu Zhen entered the palace with long strides, Song Jian and Xian Xu trailing behind him.

All the guards stood in a row facing him. Their eyes going downcast as soon as his cold gaze swiped through them.

"Mother," he acknowledged the empress dowager who stood at the other end of the hall waiting for him with some maids bowed down behind her. Her body adorned with a gorgeous gold-embroidered blue traditional attire enhancing her elegant features.

An endearing smile blossomed on her red-colored lip as she looked at her son proudly.

"Here I thought my son forgot he has an old mother waiting for him to return," she said, sadness lacing her voice.

Zhu Zhen smiled at her accusation before explaining, "There are many problems in the Han State. Still no improvement. Erchen (this son) has to return in three days."

Empress Dowager's smile vanished hearing his statement.

The first prince was playing a bigger game here, and all that her son cared about were the trumpery problems of the Han state!

"Zhen'er should not leave the imperial palace anytime soon. The First Prince is getting braver day by day, and the ministers demand your attention here."

Stay here?

Two sad round eyes flashed before him as soon as he considered the idea.

"Erchen can't," he muttered, turning his face, afraid to reveal his real emotion to his mother.

The empress dowager's eyes turned stunned hearing his son's words.

What's the smell around here?

Oh! It is definitely something fishy!

This is how I imagined the emperess dowager's attire should be

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This is how I imagined the emperess dowager's attire should be.

*pictures are from pinterest

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