Chapter 01: Meeting Cloud Strife

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My point of view
Woah!!! Cloud's world!!! I said with excited looks
Yes this is Gaia world he said
Gaia world i said and i thought on my mind (i sensed Zack was died from Shinra army...)
Are you okay? He asked me and i shaked my head
I'm fine.. it's nothing... i told him
Oh... okay let's go to saved Cloud and his friends kupo he said
Alright! Let's do this! I said and Mog returned to my left glove as my guide glove
Now you need a disguised as town folk he said and i noticed his words
Oh right.... i forgot i was wearing modern clothes i said and noticed my clothes.. i started walking enterance in the city of midgar and bumped by the mysterious man of former Shinra's SOLDIER
Miss, are you okay? the man asked me
I-I'm fine i said and look up at his face.. i noticed his eyes was mako-infused eyes
K-Krystal, is that you? He called my name
Cloud?! I knew it... i thought he was SOLDIER.. DID I i thought myself
Why are you here? He asked me
I don't know.... i lied him
Oh i see, so can i talked you at moment? He asked me and i nods
S-Sure thing i said

Time skip at Loveless cafe
I told him about my story and he worried about me from the real world during Mark of Mastery test then i was failed as student...and i told him about my necklace was Aqua gave me from Master Eraqus
Wow that's whole story he said
Y-yeah i'm sorry you didn't noticed... i said and he shaked his head
It's fine and i glad you came here this world he said with smiled
Oh okay i said with smiles

This is Cloud Strife, he's my new best friend for Teshiro... he's befriended with Zack in few years ago as former SOLDIER in Shinra Building... he's former Infantryman of Shinra... he become SOLDIER 1st class like Zack.. but he didn't joined the SOLDIER in few years ago...
He's going to revenged Sephiroth for Zack and his mom in Nibelhiem incident and he's my owner as servant

(Oh man i wrote my own story... this is so awesome!! Next chapter for tomorrow cya ff fans readers)

Krystal Strife

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