Episode 3 Pt. 1 - New Rookies

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*knock knock*

"come in" you said while you where reading something on you computer
You look up to see who came in
It was your secretary

"mhh miss you wanted me to remind you to go to the boss's office at 2 pm" she said

"oh yeah right, thanks."

"Is there anything els-" she couldn't finish her sentence because there suddenly was the sound of something breaking
Your secretary flinches because of the sound
She looks with scared eyes at you
"w-what w-was that" she somehow was able to get out the words

"fuck" you mumble "her trauma is back"

Flash back
2 years ago

"argh" you look behind you just to see that there are still 3 people who follow you while you run from them, jumping from house to house

You just shot some billionaire who escaped out of the jail 2 weeks ago
What he did?
Well he killed about 5 people and kidnapped 2 kids
How long he was in jail?
2 years
2 fucking years for killing my family...
He had to pay it of
Now he did

Suddenly you heard a girl crying and glass shattering
You now changed your route to where the sound came from

It was an alley
You stud on one the roof of the houses which the alley was in between of

As you looked down you saw a man
which you would say was around 50 years old
He was drunk...
And had a beer bottle in his hand

Well the bottle was broken
Looks like he hit it against the wall
In front of him stands a girl
About 14 years old cornerd between him, the bottle and the wall

You didn't had much time to think because you could already hear the guys behind you coming closer
So you decide to climb down a fire escape ladder and knock out the man with a hit of your gun against the back of his head

The man collapse against the wall and you pull the girl with you and pick her up
You could feel that she was scared to death not only because of the man but also because of you not because she said it but because she's trembling in fear

"don't be scared" you whispered "I'm gonna get you out of here"
She only nodded slightly

Since then you took care of her
About 3 months ago, when she turned 16,she became your secretary
But she still fears the sound of breaking glass...

You stand up totally calm and grab you gun, the one you always have under your desk under the actual tabletop

And put it at your backThe reason why ylu take the gun is not because you think it's an enemy or something like that but because - whoever did that- scared your secretary and the person has to pay

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And put it at your back
The reason why ylu take the gun is not because you think it's an enemy or something like that but because - whoever did that- scared your secretary and the person has to pay

You open your door slightly annoyed and walk out into the hallway where some people already came to look what it is and as soon as they saw you they went out of your way and they had this knowing look something like
'whoever did that should run as long as they still can'

You don't even have to look for the course of the sound for long because about 20 meters in front of you it lays

A fallen and splittered vase

And you also don't have to search for the person who throw it because you can hear them till the place you stand at
Pt. 2 coming soon

Wrong number - Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now