Chapter One

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Chapter One

"This is completely unacceptable. You know the rules. Section B, paragraph 34 clearly states that any sort of piercings on your body, especially in such visible places, are against the rules and a symbol of anarchy."

I think this was the second lecture I've gotten this week-- over the same topic. I wanted to just tell the student council president to shove his lecture where the sun doesn't shine, but of course, that would lead to yet another lecture as well as a visit to the headmaster and that just had no-no-no written all over it.

So, I decided to be the bigger man and just stood there, staring at Jason Banks, student council president two years in a row and pretended I gave a crap about his rules and regulations.

Besides, it's not like my piercings were bad. I just had three silver hoops in my left ear and my latest addition wasn't even visible! A silver, diamond studded snake belly button ring that my cousin had sent me from Australia.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jason's voice cut through my daydream like steel and I ground my teeth onto my tongue, keeping all sarcastic comments at bay. Instead, I faked the sweetest smile I could muster, shoving my hands into the pockets of my pants, my blazer sliding casually off my shoulders a little.

"Yes, sir." I answered. His blue eyes sharpened threateningly, but he merely scowled before continuing his useless ranting, that I immediately zoned out of. Jason was just a stuck up rich kid from England, so he even had this "cheerio and all that" accent that pissed me off. He always wore his uniform perfectly and crispy, fresh out of the laundry that we had in the dormitories.

The uniform, unfortunately, consisted of a black blazer, matching pants and tie along with a crisp white button up shirt. Our black shoes were squeaky clean and could blind a dead guy. Of course, our blazers also had this neat little school crest in one corner.

A picture of a cross and all these fancy loops going around it with the crown of Jesus sitting at the top, angel wings sprouting out the back, and at the bottom it read: St. Salvatore's Academy for Boys.

"... Obviously not working," Jason was going on in a stern voice, making me snap to attention as I awaited my sentence, "So we're assigning you to clean the cafeteria before and after dinner, so by five forty five, you must be in the cafeteria to receive orders from Mr. Bukoski." The creepy old janitor with gray eyes and gray hair. I grimaced.

"Right," I said slowly, then held up my hands, "Can't I just bear this guilt as punishment?"

"No." Jason deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at me. I pushed my lips into a pout, but it never worked on Jason like it did on my friends, so he just turned his head away and ordered his vice-president, Stephen Romero, to lead me out.

Stephen looked away from the window with this calm, cool expression. Actually, for being on the student council, Stephen was the only cool one. He didn't freak out or take the time to punish people for every little thing they did wrong. He was pretty tall too with thick muscles from playing soccer in the fields. His hair was dark brown and brushed over a pair of killer green eyes.

"All right, time to leave before you say something stupid to get yourself in even more trouble." Stephen drawled, making me glare at him, but I bit my tongue and twirled on my heel, heading for the door with Stephen lumbering behind me.

"I'm not taking it out." I stated as soon as the door closed behind us, referring to my belly button piercing. Stephen raised an eyebrow at me, then shrugged as he glanced down the hallway.

"I know that. You've never been one to follow the rules. Just stay out of trouble for the next two weeks while we deal with some issues, then you can pierce everything you want." He replied. I cocked a brow at him, folding my arms over my chest.

St. Salvatore's Academy for Boys I: Angelus [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now