Chapter 7

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It has been two weeks. Izuku and Shoto are officially dating, fucking finally.

"You look happy." Katsuki comments, seeing Izuku squeal on his bed.

"I'm just- I-I didn't know I could feel this way towards another person! I didn't even know that someone could feel the same way towards me! I-I'm just so happy!" Izuku chirps, hugging his pillow, a large smile on his face, "aren't you happy for me Kacchan?"

"Of course I am, whatever makes you happy, you fucknut. But if that piece of shit ever hurts you-"

"Shoucchan isn't like that!" Izuku whines, "he's nice, and cool and handsome and sweet and all the good things in the world! Ah he's so out of my league, he can have anyone he wanted but he chose me! I'm so happy!"

"..." with the amount of people who likes Izuku from what he has seen, it's mostly likely that Shoto was the one out of league but whatever makes him happy.

"H-He's so nice, h-he held my hand while walking with me to lunch y-yesterday... his hands are so firm and big, I want to hold them more but I'm kinda embarrassed to ask..."

"Just fucking go for it, what's he gonna do, bat your hand away? He's gonna fucking enjoy it no matter what as long as it's your fucking hand."

"You think so?"

"He's your fucking boyfriend, it should be obvious." Izuku turns a bit red and hides his face in his pillow again.

"I-Is it really fine...? I-I don't hold hands with a lot of people..."

"Well good for him then, he's a lil special. If you drool on my pillow I'll hit you." Katsuki sighed, sitting on his bed, next to Izuku. Izuku drops the pillow and crawls towards him and plops his head on his lap, Katsuki stares down at him.


"You're not angry?"

"Why the hell would I be?"

"...I spent so much time pinning over Eijirou-senpai and I made you do so much only for it to end up me not liking him anymore. Aren't you angry?"

"Have you forgotten I was the one who suggested you forget about him and all that jazz? You were obsessed, you were unhealthy and you were doing weird shit because of him. It's probably better for you not be around him anymore." Katsuki sighed, "why would I be angry at you for finding love? I'm not that fucking cruel you stupid Deku."

"Thank you, Kacchan." Izuku replies, a big smile on his face, Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Get off my lap."

"Kacchan's lap is very comfy though."

"There's no way that's more comfortable than my bed you piece of shit."

"Well it makes me feel better!"

"Get off my fucking lap before I kick you out of my fucking room, Deku."

"Kacchan is mean."

"Good thing you know, now get off."


Shoto's eyes widened as Izuku took his hands into his.

Shoto is usually the one to initiate any sort of physical affection, while the greenette happily returned them, he never ever really starts it. Except today, in an instant he felt his face turning red and his stomach doing lurches inside of him. A warm bubbly feeling is happening in his chest and his throat constricted as if dry. He... he feels so... happy? In love? He's not sure what to feel, all he knows is that he's so glad to have Izuku holding his hand.

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