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We all shuffle outside and gather in a semicircle. All of us have black umbrellas except for Luther, Diego and, of course, Klaus. He insisted on using a transparent on with a pink outline. No surprise there.
"Did something happen?" Mum asks innocently. We look at her confused.
"Dad died, remember?" Allison asks. Mother's face then becomes sad, however she can't really display human emotions. Grace really is a mystery to some of us.
"Is mum okay?" I question. Diego steps in to defend her.
"Yeah. Yeah she's fine she just needs to rest you know. Recharge." I nod slightly and avert my gaze back to Luther, who's holding the urn.

"Whenever you're ready dear boy." Pogo says as he strolls up to us, hunched over, clutching his umbrella. Luther sighs and opens the urns lid. He pours out the contents and they fall straight to the ground into one mounted pile. We're all silent, just staring at the pitiful pile of ashes.
"Probably would've been better with some wind." Luther states. I would've laughed but that would've been a bit heartless, considering I'm at a funeral. I can smell Klaus' cigarette and it's really bothering me. I try to ignore it and look at Five, who is standing to the side of me, holding the umbrella. So sweet. Can we just get this funeral over and done with?

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks. Silence, again.
"Very well. I'm all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master, and my friend and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-" "He was a monster." Diego says bluntly. Klaus laughs.
"He was a bad person and the world is better off without him."
"Diego!" Allison tried to stop him. Unsuccessfully.
"My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our 'father' couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mum do it." Diego says coldly. God he hated dad the most out of all of us. Such a mummas boy though.

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Mother asks smiling.
"No it's okay mum."  Vanya chimes in. Mum just says "Oh, okay." still smiling.
"Look you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kinda man he was." Diego addresses us, rain water trickling down onto his face. Luther gets defensive.
"You should stop talking now." He suggests firmly. Diego looks at him.
"You know you of all people should be in my side 'Number One'."Diego taunts.
"I am warning you." Luther growls.
"After everything he did to you. He had to ship you a million miles away." "Diego stop talking." Things are getting heated.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you." Diego finally pushed Luther over the edge.

There was pushing and shoving. Punches were being thrown left and right and centre. They wouldn't slow down.
"Come on big boy!" Diego shouted, just encouraging his brother.
"Boys! Stop this at once!" Pogo yells, astonished by their actions.
"Stop it!" Vanya shouted, obviously distraught over out brothers fighting.
"Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus cheered with his recently lit blunt in his mouth. I wanted nothing to do with this. Pogo walks off in a huff as the boys continuing their feud.

"I don't have time for this. Come on
Y/N, let's go." Five says as he puts his arm around my shoulders to guide me inside. As I'm about to shut the door I hear a huge CLANK!
"And there goes Ben's statue." I hear Allison mutter.

Some funeral I'll say.

Chapter seven!!! Hope you guys enjoyed reading and do leave a comment telling me what you think! Also I used 'mum' instead of 'mom' cause I'm English so yh that's why lmao. Thanks for reading ~Luna <3

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