You're on Your Period

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You had been feeling sick at school all day. It didn't feel like the normal stomach flu because your muscles ached and you couldn't tell whether you wanted to scream or cry, especially considering that everyone seemed even more annoying than normal today. 

When you entered the bunker that afternoon, you slammed the door behind you a little too hard. 

"Hey! What'd the door do to you, huh?" Dean called from the front room. He and Sam were busy looking for new cases. 

"Sorry." You mumbled as you descended the winding staircases. You made your way past them toward your bedroom. 

Dean tried to catch your attention as you walked past; it wasn't normal for you not to at least give him a hug after school. Hurt, he turned back to his brother when he heard your bedroom door shut. 

"What was that about?" Sam scoffed, scrolling through North Dakota obituaries.

"Don't know." Dean huffed and then he concluded, "Must've had a bad day."

You plopped yourself down on your bed face-down. Your lower stomach felt like someone was slowly moving a chainsaw through it. You thought that maybe some pain killers would help it go away, so wincing, you got up and made your way to the bathroom. 

While you were filling up a cup to swallow your pills with, you realized that you needed to pee. You hadn't done so since lunch that day. 

A terrible smell reached your nostrils when you sat down. You looked down: somebody might as well have been murdered in your black jeans.

Your jaw dropped and you tried to scream but nothing came out. Finally, your brain decided to work and recognized that it was your first period. You knew you needed help.

"Dad?" You called out meekly, tears making their way down your face and causing your voice to be shakier than you wanted it to.

You heard the hurried sound of chair legs scrapping against the floor and thundering feet making their way to the bathroom.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" Dean's voiced boomed at the closed bathroom door. 

'I can't tell him. That's just weird. He's my dad.' You thought to yourself. You took a deep breath and answered, "Um, c-can you get Gran please?"

Silence followed your request, but then you heard Sam whisper, "I just texted her. She'll be down in a minute."

"Sweetie did you get sick? Do you need help?" Dean called in a serious tone. 

"No." You called back, still shakey. 

Then you heard more hurried footsteps, this time they were lighter. There was concerned whispering and then a light tap at the door. Mary Wincherster gently called, "(Y/N) it's Gran. Can I come in please?"

You quickly pulled your pants up and made your way over to unlock the bathroom door. Mary was standing there alone; she had sent the boys into another room. She had a calm smile on her face that quickly changed to worry when she saw your pale and tear-stained face.

"Oh honey! What's wrong?" She whispered. 

You looked at the floor and muttered under your breath, "I got my period."

You weren't sure that she heard you at first, but she answered by gently pushing you aside and making her way into the bathroom. You closed the door and stood behind her. Mary went into a cabinet underneath the sink and pulled out a small blue box that read: Pads. 

"I bought everything you'd need when you turned nine. That's usually the earliest starting age. Thought it was better to be prepared whenever it happened."

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