Chapter Thirteen: Romeo and Juliette

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Jake and Lexi sat in the audience, of the theatre. ''Piper! Re say you're line. It has to be perfect for the musical'' Jake yelled

''O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?'' Piper said

''No! Redo it, put emotion into it Piper, I know you can do it'' Jake said

Piper rolled her eyes, than cleared her throat. ''O Romeo, Romero! Where art thou Romeo?'' Piper called out, looking around. Jake clapped.

''That's the performance we're looking for!'' Jake smiled 'Now what do you feel like covering now?''

''Maybe we should cover some of the musical numbers?'' Piper suggested, ''the rest of the cast and I hardly know it, let's try it''

''Ok! Brynn, Klaudia! Parker, and carter, come and join Piper on the stage please'' Jake yelled

Klaudia came running out and hugged Piper, ''Hi babe'' Piper said holding her hand.

''Hi, Hi'' Klaudia said giving Piper a kiss.

''Ok, Babe. What number should we do first?'' Jake asked, looking over at Lexi, who was holding Aria in her hands.

''I think we should do the Forever number, That's the least practiced'' Lexi said

''Ok, Parker and Piper, front and center, Klaudia leave the stage. Brynn stay right where you are, and Carter, be ready to vocalise with Parker'' Jake said turning his phone on, and turning the soundtrack to the song on.

Piper grabbed the prop hair brush, and began to brush her hair. Off stage sat Parker. The music began, giving him his entrance.

Parker ran over, and spun around Piper. ''Juliette! I need to tell you something''

''What is it, Romeo? We have little time, I must be off soon'' Piper spoke

''When I look at you, it's just. I don't know how to explain it.'' Parker said

'Romeo, is that all?' Piper asked

'Juliette... when I look in you're eyes, I see the one that I want for all time, just place you're hand in mine. Together I know we can conquer the darkest times''

''I will be yours, forever, forever.. I will be yours, forever.'' Juliette and Romeo sang together, Carter stood beside Romeo, and Brynn ran to Juliette's side, She started to wrap Juliette's hair up, ''Every song, I sing it's you.''

'Every laugh, I laugh it's you' Romeo sang to Juliette.

'Every hope I have is you.... I will be yours... forever' The two sang, holding hands. Romeo looked at Juliette, and touched her chin. She stared at him. 'Just say I do..' Romeo said

''I do..'' Juliette smiled, breaking hands as she heard her mother.

''Juliette! Juliette! Are you here! I hear you!'' Klaudia screamed storming on stage

''Sorry, Ma'am, Juliette shall not be found here, as I do not know where she is'' Romeo said

''I don't not want my daughter with a Montague!' Klaudia screamed

''I'm sorry, Ma'am'' Romeo said, than walked off stage.

Klaudia stood center stage. Juliette ran onto the stage. 'Mother! Why shall you be here, in the garden?' Juliette asked

''Juliette, were you with that awful, disgraceful Montague!'' Her mother demanded

'No mother! I would never go near a Montague!'' Juliette pled. Klaudia raised her hand, and slapped Piper.

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