Before Hogwarts

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I've been living in a cupboard under the stairs for almost 11 years.  I was only a baby when my parents got in a car accident and were killed.  I live with my whale of an uncle, Uncle Vernon,  Aunt Petunia, and a little version of Uncle Vernon, my cousin, Dudley. 

 I'm treated like a slave.  I have lists of chores to do every day and if I do them wrong I am punished.  I'm usually locked in my cupboard with no food, water, or bathroom, but recently my punishments have gotten worse.  Ever since the beginning of summer, my not so harsh punishments have turned into light beatings from my uncle.

I had finished cooking breakfast when the post came.  I went and grabbed it, as usual, and noticed a letter for me.  I was confused as to why anybody would write to me, but took it anyway.  I was trying to sneak back to my "room," if you could even call it that, when Dudley noticed the letter still in my hand.  

"Father!  Father!  Look!  The freak's gotten a letter!"  I winced as Dudley took the letter from my hands and ran over to Uncle Vernon.  I looked up, terrified what my punishment may be for receiving a letter.  "FREAK! GO TO YOUR ROOM YOU LITTLE FREAK!"  bellowed the whale man with his face as red as an apple.  

He ran after me into the cupboard and squeezed himself into it.  I had fallen to the ground while he took up most of the small cupboards space.  I winced in fear as he took his belt off and started beating me with it.  He then started to punch me until bruises started to form on my ribcage and arms.  He has never beaten me this badly but it really hurt and I was crying and screaming the whole time, making him even angrier.  He left me locked in my cupboard until Sunday came along.

"GET UP FREAK!!! WE'RE LEAVING!!" I heard my aunt calling for me to get up.  They always call me a freak.  I honestly don't think they've ever called me Harry.  I got up still confused where we were going, but I went out to find them packed.  I got into the car and didn't say anything until we got to our destination.  It was a small abandoned tower in the middle of the ocean.

Nothing happened until midnight that night when I sang myself happy birthday.  A giant man burst into the place calling for me.  "Harry? Is that you down there?"  he asked.  "GET OUT! GET OUT! I DEMAND YOU TO GET OUT!" Vernon pointed a gun towards the man while he said this.  The giant looked at him and used his hands to bend the barrel of the gun upwards while Uncle Vernon shot it.  The bullet just went through the roof and my jaw dropped at the scene that had just unfolded. 

"Harry? Is that you?  I haven't seen you since you was a baby!"  the giant said while looking thoughtfully at me.  I cowered into the corner afraid of him.  "Wh-  who are y- you?" I asked still terrified at what he had done to that gun thinking of how badly he could harm me.  "Oh, don't be afraid.  I didn't mean ter scare ya.  I'm Hagrid the game keeper at Hogwarts.  Yer a wizard Harry!" I looked at him with a shocked expression as he handed me a letter.  "A what?"  I asked.  "A wizard." He retorted.  "Come with me."  He took me with him to Diagon Alley after he explained everything that happened in my life previously and about magic and how there is a psychopath, He Who Must Not Be Named, who wants me dead.


I grew up in a wizarding family and knew all about magic.  I was raised like a pure-blooded wizard should be with lots of parties and many etiquette lessons.  Also many lessons about potions and easy spells that I could learn before going to Hogwarts for my seven years of magical knowledge.  I really hoped I could make more friends than just Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and Blaise who I have been friends with since I was a baby.  Pansy and Blaise are my two closest friends who I can talk to about anything, while Crabbe and Goyle are really just people who follow me around all the time and do whatever I want them to do.  They get really annoying sometimes though.

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