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When Scottie started to wake up, she found herself instantly focusing on three things: the soft beeping of the machine that she was plugged into, the soft yellow lights that were barely lighting the room as she presumed it was night time, and the soft hand that was gripped on to her own.

Groggily squinting as she waited for her eyes to adjust in the light, she rolled her head to the right to look at who was the culprit holding on to her for their own life. A soft smile spread across her lips as she noticed Natasha with her head resting on the back of the chair she was sitting in, her eyes shut as she had let sleep take over. Scottie was well aware that any slight movement or change in the environment would wake the Russian immediately.

"Nat," she murmured, lightly moving her hand that the woman had been clutching. The red-head's eyes opened instantly as she jumped in her sleep, her hand instantly going to the buckle on her waist where Scottie was sure either a gun or a knife was concealed. Once she realised just why she had been awoken, the woman sighed deeply and grinned, glad to see her friend was awake.

"You really scared us all there, Casey," Natasha teased, reaching over and placing a light kiss on the crown of the girl's head.

"Where am I?" She questioned, looking around with sleep covered eyes as she tried to adjust to her surroundings.

"HQ, one of the recovery rooms. Tony didn't want you in hospital incase reporters came snooping, or rather more HYDRA agents looking to finish the job."

"Well you know what Steve always says: the safest hands are our own," the blonde girl replied as she noticed the large 'A' sketched into the metal on the side of the room. Rolling her eyes at the need for the new facility to have the Avengers team branding all over it, she looked back to see Natasha staring intently at her.

Scottie simply laughed back before looking down at herself to see what damaged had been done.

Surprisingly, she was mostly free of harm. There were a couple of scratches on her arms, but she knew that the wound on her side was going to be the real deal breaker. Tugging the gown she was wearing up slightly as she looked down at her side, Scottie's lips parted as she noticed the large wound that had almost killed her was nowhere in sight.

"Helen Cho sorted that one out," Natasha told her, reminding Scottie of the mission where Ultron had first properly started. Clint had received a fatal blow to the side, or rather - what should have been a fatal blow. Helen Cho's machine had fixed his skin back up in no time and she presumed that was exactly what the woman had done to her. "The one on your head is a different matter, she didn't want to risk touching it incase she accidentally hit your eye, so it'll be a cut until it heals."

Scottie raised her hand to her eyebrow, feeling for the gash that she remembered the woman slashing across her head. Wincing slightly as she felt it sting, the girl was quick to remove her hand from the cut. Shrugging slightly, she looked back at Natasha with a small smile on her face as the woman stared curiously back at her.

"It's good to see you, Nat," she murmured, noticing how the woman had been watching her carefully to make sure that she wasn't going to suddenly collapse any second. Natasha laughed lightly, a smile cracking across her face as she rolled her eyes at the girl.

"It's good to see you too, Scottie," Natasha said, the two of them sharing a moment before the older woman rose to her feet. "You've got a large fanbase waiting to hear about you waking up, I wouldn't want to keep them waiting if I was you."

Scottie chuckled slightly, wincing as she felt the fresh skin that had been constructed over her wound stretch a little. She knew there would be a little discomfort for a few days - she had seen that in Clint after his time using Helen Cho's machine. She saw Natasha's smile falter slightly at Scottie's obvious discomfort but it was quickly back to normal as she noticed the girl didn't appear to continue to feel pain.

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