Moving On?

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That night my grandpas came over to pick me up,

"Kiddo if you want, you can go to sleep, I got your room ready for you," said grandpa Greg.

I just nod and went to my room, I already knew were it was but he followed.

"I tried my best to make it has comfortable has possible." He said.

It had a couple of thing I had in my old room, like the sports equipment, a piano in the corner only it was a lot bigger and over the top. This room was smaller but have a luxurious look to it.

"I'm sorry for coming here without notice," I said.

"Victor you have nothing to be sorry about it's not best time for you to be with your father," He said.

"I didn't want to come back there," I said.

"What? You don't miss us!" He joked.

"I do, I miss you guys a lot," I said.

"Listen Victor, David just feels like he put too much responsibilities on you and he think you should have a chance were you didn't have to. Just promise me this, don't ever be scared to talk to us, and it just there are things going on in that place that you shouldn't be around for." He said.

"Does it have to do with that night I got jumped," I said.

He didn't say anything for a moment.

He sighed.

"Victor you know your father loves you so much " He said.

"Yeah," I said.

"He loves you so much he would do anything to protect you. Even if it would upset you," He said.

"I know and there a bunch of weirdoes running around hurting people." I said.

"When don't try to go there," He said.
"I was fine," I said.

"No you weren't," he said. He was alway honest with me.

He then told me good nite.

He left and I went to sleep.

The next morning, they took me out, to buy clothes.

"Don't gives us that look," Said grandpa Greg.

I really did look like a church kid.

"Can't blame him ,Greg" said grandpa Frederick.

He picks out a bunch if black clothes.

"He not going to a funereal!" Greg said

It took a while to convince them to let me pick out clothes I was comfortable with, after that we brought me shoes basically all the thing dad didn't send, ate out and when it was time for them to go to work they took me home to stay in my room, which I did. After watch most of the nefilex shows I was inseted in, I play on the piano up till they got back.

"Victor we have exciting news," Said Greg

He ran inside me room.

"You got accepted to Excellence Academy, I am so happy for you, that the school I went has a boy," Greg said.

"Oh, thanks," I said, trying to hide the fact that I wasn't happy about it.

"They give scholar ship to the top students," he said.

He went on and on about it, but I to have to start school all over aging is annoying but I just faked smile for the most of it since he seem so excited.

"Oh boy, I need to make sure you have anything you need," He said.

He ran out of my room and went to tell grandpa Fredrick and then ran out to buy stuff or I think that what he did.

"Oh boy greg happy about this, I will never hear the end of it." He said.

"Grandpa, isn't this school full of rich kids?" I said.

"Yep," He said.

"But am not rich?" I asked.

"Nope," He said.

"Then why am I going? Am just cuoirs about it." I asked.

"Your grandpa was from a old money rich family, they had different values and well grandpa was kicked out," He said.

"when what does that have to do with me going to that school?" I asked.

"Well, let's just your great grandparents say some pretty nasty things and well Greg just wants to prove them wrong," He said.

"I guess I'll go," I said.

"Am pretty sure they have a soccer team," Grandpa said.

"I don't know if I want to join," I said. I felt like it was wrong to play for their soccer team when I was happy with the one back home.

"Son, you got talent you can't be holding yourself back at Excellence Academy," He said.

I sighed "Fine I'll try," I said.

A week later my grandparents took me there and we went to talk to the head master.

"It been forever Greg Law to think you would turn out so .... fortunate," He said.

He looked that me.

"Your son I take it," He said.

"Grandson," Both my grandparents said.

"Well, where did the time go, to think you already have grandchildren and not even 70 and you haven't age that bad what a surprise ." The head master said.
"If it bothers you, please tell me, but I must ask, I do believe the actual parents of the boy are needed for him to be enrolled to the Academy. So, where are they I hope not over that broader ?" He said.

"Oh! You see, our son is a Doctor and well is a busy man so you wouldn't imagine since your not a doctor. All the gab about medical school was just fantasy talk it seem like your engagement Sara Brooks," Grandpa said.

"Hm What about the mother in rehab?" He said.

Damn this guy is an asshole

"That is a bit of touchy subject but if you must know, she passed away speaking of rehab how is your sister?," Grandpa said.

This was pretty much how went the Headmaster and Grandpa Fredrick being really poisonous with their words, attacking each other without cursing. Grandpa is really good at this
"Well anyways the broad review his record Victor is an excellent student top grades in multiple advanced classes and qualified for his old school soccer team. He is a perfect fit for our student body the broad word not mine. He will start tomorrow and I do advise he get a haircut or grow it out, his hair style isn't ideal for our image we have for students."
What the hell is wrong with my hair? Before I can say anything My grandpa looks that me. Fine it has grow a bit long in the front but I want to just keep it the same a while. Sigh.
"I understand sir," I said.

At some point in time the headmaster called a student to show me around. I wasn't really paying attention and just followed her. She went on and on and slowly wondered if there were any chance of me coming back home.

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