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Brianna's POV
I was laying on my bed listening to music while my mom wasn't home. I just couldn't escape my thoughts on her at this point. Do I really wanna go through?
Is it wrong?
I just wish I could go back in time and treat Marilyn like a fucking princess. I never realized how much she meant to me until now. It just isn't the same.

"you fall asleep, no worries I'll be right here when your finished dreaming"

I heard my speakers play my playlist and I pulled my phone out and started texting Marilyn. It isn't like she would answer. She's gone. At least I hope. I haven't talked to her family. I assumed they wouldn't ever forgive me.

Hey mamas.

My heart broke physically as I texted that. I have no idea why I was doing this to myself. It just felt right.

So I kept texting.

I miss you. Nothing is the same and I can't move on. I wish I could have treated you right.

I just stared into my ph-

what the actual fuck.

she misses you to brianna.

What? What the fuck? Who is this you sick fuck.

At first I started to think it was just someone who had her phone number now.

Brianna. It's Amy. Her mom. She's been in the hospital and she is doing very well actually. I'm sure she would be pleased to see you there. She's been nothing but devastated you didn't even check up.

Well where is the hospital?

The one by subway.

I got my car keys and quickly hurried into my car and speeded over to the hospital she was in.

I ran into the hospital and quickly ran into the room she said she was located in

"Hey uhmm you need to-"
"cool." I cut the lady at the front desk off.

"Hey!" I said and hugged Marilyn's mom.
I turned my head over and felt my heart drop through my ass at the sight of everything I caused.


Brianna's POV
It has been 3 months. Me and Marilyn are back together and I dropped out of school to help her family. She went into a coma for a month and had been in the hospital since.
"Alright. Are you sure you guys are able to do this all on your own?" I smiled and hugged her parents. Today was the day I was leaving back and starting school again.
"Bye Marilyn." I looked at the floor and hugged Marilyn. just a hug. that's all I needed and all I wanted to give.

Billie's POV
I was sitting in class waiting for second period bell to ring. It hasn't been the same these past months. I saw the pictures of Marilyn and Brianna and I've been nothing but sad ever since. I knew it had to be done for though. I was nothing but a hookup.

"Hey uhmm so-" I turned around
"Hey Brianna?" I said and looked her up and down.
"Can we just forget about what happened because im in a happy relationship. I don't want this hovering over me now that I'm back. Thanks." She didn't wait for a reply and just walked off to talk to a group of girls.
"Brianna!" I yelled boldly.
She walked back in.
"What?" She said.
"I'm sorry.  But what the fuck was i to you?  We had something. You told me all this stuff and then left for 3 months without saying anything!" I rolled my eyes and stared at her for an explanation.
"Since you can't respect my fucking privacy I'm just gonna say it. I don't give a shit about you. I did. But now I don't. Is that more simple?" She slapped me and walked back out.

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