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  Another day turned into another night. Dazai walked calmly, embracing the cool winter air against his peach skin as he slowly humming a morbid and somber song. As his heels clicked the ground with a small, "tick" his mind starts to wonder about his past adventure during the day. However, he couldn't quite ponder what day it is.

  March 12? February 25? March 15? February 9? March 17? He could simply answer his question with a slight flick of the wrist, and his wondering mind would be at ease. However, the brunette male didn't really care. His days tend to mush into each other. Everyday seeming similar to one another. Wake up. Go to work. Stall at work, while waiting for everyone to enter. Bother Doppo Kunikida for a bit. Eat lunch and leave it on the growing tap. Go back to work. Leave and start the cycle all over again.

  Only difference would be the types of investigations he would look into, or a new attempt at suicide, which he would often fail at. Stopping in his traces, his dark eyes outlined the body of the building before him. He would often spend him time here, looking fondly at memories from years ago chugging down a cold glass of whiskey. Oh how he wish for his parched lips to wrap around a cup much to small for his bandages hands. The cooling sensation would wash away his troubles of the day, letting him have a short amnesia if he allowed himself to get to tipsy.

  His right hand rose, drowning the handle as he pushed his way in. Dazai's ears twitched to the familiar chimes, announcing his presence. Waltzing over, his head nods in the direction of the regulars in the left corner and a slight wave towards the others. His drink sat there waiting for him as he sat down on a bar stool. The brunette simply lifted up his glass and nodded towards the bartender as a gesture of thanks before sipping his one of many.

  His attention turned upwards the television. It would either play sitcoms, the bartender's favorite, or an all night long infomercial. The Flex series hosted by Phil Swift became many of his favorites. But tonight it was a rerun of a drama he had zero interest in, but got oddly attached after twenty minutes in. By then he was on his second glass, and his throat was warmed up from liquor he's been ingesting for the past twenty.

  Looking down, he swivel his glass. The clinging of the circular ice clashing in with it's crystal palace signaled the bar man that he needed thirds. Without words, he acknowledge Dazai's request soon after. Sipping another, the brunette's ears twitched once again at the sound of a new presents entry his haven. A small jot followed a chill up his spinal reminders him of the cooling weather outside. He didn't bother to look towards the entrance. This drama was quite interesting.

  However, his left ear did slightly heard smoothing of ones clothes and a sigh of relief washing over the new body. From the sound of it, they were probably wiping of snow from their clothes. He didn't want to check if he was correct. His dark eyes danced over the screen, interpreting the cute awkwardness surrounding the two characters as they talked about life after high school. Dazai then thought back to himself at that age, but quickly brushed it off. His mindset wasn't quite there to reminisce. Maybe after finishing this cup?

  The alcoholic chief lethargically stood right by Dazai, wiping down a cup Dazai presumed belonged to someone that just recently left. They turned their attention to the to the new heat source on Dazai's left. Taking a sip, the brunette drowned out the boring conversation of the presence beside him. Following the newly served drink sliding against the table, his eyes landed on (s/c) hands catching it. The hands then proceed to bring the cup to pink lips belong to a (e/c) eyed, (h/c) male. The male looked out of his peripheral, only to stick his three fingers up while downing his beverage.

  Dazai nodded in response before getting a good look at the male next to him. The man dressed in a business attire, a black suit with a lanyard hung across his neck. His (f/c) tie was slightly loosened, and the hair's on his head was slightly frazzled and damp. Beside him sat a coat in a similar manner as his hair lazily hanging off the bar. He didn't recognized him. The brunette lend in a bit closer, and shifted his body to the left to start off a conversation with this stranger.

  "I haven't seen you before. What brings you?" Dazai inquired. He watched as the (h/c) man placed his drink carefully, and composed himself before answering.

  "Can't a guy get a drink?" With a slight chuckle, the man laid his eyes at nothing before lending his head on his fist. "I'm here just like everyone else." The male turned his attention towards Dazai. His (h/c) orbs bore deeply into him. "To get away for a bit." Satisfied, Dazai nods letting his peepers trace the thin strings around his new acquaintance neck to the bottom of what he assumed to be a name tag. Slamming his (s/c) hand to cover up his name, Dazai begrudgingly pout and took a sip of his own drink.

  "Dazai Osamu." The dark-haired male spoke.

"[Y/N] [L/N]." Dazai faintly smiles into his drink as the warm liquid went down his throat. He could finally start reminiscing.

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