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  [Y/N]. [Y/N]. Their name speaks volumes to his otherwise empty heart. A simple flick of his tongue brings a range of different emotions. It's been months since their first encounter. While he didn't know how they felt about him, Osamu has many sleepless nights because of his infatuation. He was just a salaryman. Yet, why was his mind covered in thoughts of him.
  "Dazai." [Y/n] spread lips  into a goofy grin hiding their, what Dazai thought, beautiful (e/c) eyes. He waved a glass slightly as Dazai slowly approaches. Smiling softly, the brunette removed a layer of clothing helping relieve him of the bar's warm climate. He placed his heavy coat on the table after placing it on the bar table before him. He then stood there, watching the male sway softly. The man chuckled then placed his cool hands on the other's shoulders.
  "How much did you drink?" Dazai questioned. His chocolate orbs examined the evidence. One, two, with the glass in [Y/N]'s hand that would be about five.
  "I don't know. Eight?" Dazai shook his head before sliding his hands down the man's arms follow by his hands. As his palms got closer to the glass, Dazai took it and enjoyed a sip from what was left of the cup. "Gross." His chest squeezes for a moment. Just a moment. It would have continued that was if Dazai hadn't seen [Y/N] pushed his lips together. The dark haired male could almost laugh at his childish manners. "I haven't brushed my teeth since lunch."
  Placing down the cup, he laid his head on top of the other, wrapping his slender arms loosely. His chestnut strands mixing with his (h/c) ones. The (h/c) will to push him playful was completely gone. They were completely under the devil liquid's spell. Dazai was taking advantage of [Y/N]'s state. Yes, he knew, but he can only act selfishly when they were in such a state. Wrapping his arms a little tighter, his eyes fluttered down. Osamu took a moment to speak. "Missed dinner?"
  "Yup!" [Y/N] cheerful climes. In response the standing male hummed as happily as the male before him. "I'm hungry. Food please." Opening his eyes, he removed himself from him and simply placed a hand onto his (h/c) locks. It's definitely gotten longer since the last time they met. Picking up a piece of his hair, the male below him waited impatiently. "Food?"
  "I have food at home." Dazai replied. Quickly the salaryman bounced from off his seat, with the help of Dazai, and wobbled quickly to the door. With a slight wave to the bartender, sliding of bills, and him slipping their jackets on they left. Skipping followed by a few stumbles, they arrived to their destination.
  As soon after they entered, clinking and sizzling could be heard. When the food [Y/N] desired was completed his soft snores filled Dazai's empty apartment. The brunette smiled softly at the male.
  In the morning, confusion washed over the [h/c] male's body. The scent reminded him of someone, but the headache screaming at him wouldn't allow him to think fully. Looking around, he didn't register anything about the room he was in. The walls were completely bare aside from a few bookcases decorated in odd knickknacks and books. As he looked down, the familiar present comforted him, cooling down his panicked stated.
  Dazai's arm laid dormant across [Y/N]'s waist. It took him what felt like moments to hesitantly graze his hair. Slowly he rubbed the brunette's head. In response, Dazai smiled then moved closer to his touch. "Up?" [Y/N] voice was a bit scratchier and deeper than Dazai remembered. His stomach ache and his head spun in circles. Yet his smile grew wider.
  "No." Osuma nuzzles the male's hand earning him a small flick to the forehead. He winched a little then opened one of his eyes. Quickly closing it, he placed his hands on his forehead and rolled around screaming his pretend pain. He gasps a second later. His head whipped toward the male, his eyes quivered. He stood up and quickly ran away before returning with medicine and water. "Do you have work?" Dazai whispered.
  Sitting on the floor, Dazai waited for him to finish his water before he answered. "It's Sunday." [Y/N] crossed his legs then placed his cup in the whole between them. He held it as he watched Dazai eyebrows pressed against one another. "I'm off on Sundays." The [h/c] relieved his confusion. [Y/N] took another sip. "Where am I?"
  The chestnut male paused for a moment to give dramatic effect, watching his friend get a bit antsy in his seat."My place."
  "Why?" [Y/N] questioned.
  "Because why?" [Y/N] questioned again.
  "You wanted food." Dazai took another moment, carefully planning what his next words would be. Looking into [Y/N]'s deep pools of [e/c] he placed a smile on himself. "So I cooked you something."
  "You could of just..." The (h/c) looked down at his cup, speechless. Caressing the glass, his fingers softly wiped off the condensation. "Thank you for keeping me for the night, but I should go." [Y/N] geared his attention to the male sitting across from him. He smiled softly at Dazai hinting that he was touched.
  "So soon?"
  He placed the cup, making a slight wooden clunk noise upon contact with the table. His (s/c) fingers traced around the rim. If Dazai didn't known better he would assume that the male would start playing a melody on his glasses. He still has a little hope for it, since [Y/N] was still very new to him. Not fresh, but sort of new. "Yes... Look, I appreciate it really, but I think it's a little inappropriate for complete strangers to just...well you know." Dazai smirked a little.
  "I wouldn't call us strangers. We know each other's names and we've been meeting for weeks." His chestnut hair bounced as he waved off his company's dismissal.
  "That's true."
  "I wouldn't call us friends either since I have no interest in that."
  "Oh." [Y/N] hands started to fiddle with one another. His (e/c) orbs looked downward towards Dazai then towards somewhere else, while his pink bottom lips puckered out. "I see." The saddest in [Y/N]'s voice mentally sent aches to his closed off heart. That was a first in a while. .
  Dazai lend over, taking his calluses hands into the (s/c) hands smoother ones. "I'm interested in you." For a moment, just for a moment, Dazai saw a touched look upon [Y/N]'s features before twisting into confusion. His (e/c) rested on to their entangled hands before slowing slipping from the chestnut impenetrable grip.
  "What? Why? For what?" The (h/c) finally spoke once his hands were almost at the threshold. 
  "[Y/N]." Dazai soft said returning to that unfamiliar endormant he's been giving off since they've woken up. He quickly grabbed [Y/N]'s hands. Lifting and placing a small peck on (s/c) knuckles. "I've fallen for you. That's all." Dazai didn't need an answer. His blushing cheeks and the goosebumps across his arms were enough for him.

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