🌹🔥27 ~ We're not getting interrupted this time

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18+ Content ahead, viewer discretion is advised
Yoonseok finally fucking

18+ Content ahead, viewer discretion is advised Yoonseok finally fucking

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Yoongi couldn't fucking sleep.

The male had wanted to go to bed earlier than usual since he just wasn't in the mood for anything and just wanted to sleep his problems away. But, a certain someone was making that quite impossible.

Hoseok had come home in a bad mood, the male not even sparing Yoongi a glance when the mint-haired male said hello to him earlier. Now, Hoseok was in one of the rooms of this huge ass penthouse and was throwing something against the wall over and over again.

Since 10 pm, now it was almost 1.

"Oh my fucking hell!" Yoongi exasperated, finally getting up from the warm bed and putting on one of his big hoodies before looking for Hoseok.

He soon found the mafia boss in a spacious room, the male had a scowl on his face as he threw a rose decorated dagger at a target, the target looked thoroughly abused, Yoongi assuming Hoseok would use it whenever he was angry.

The black haired male looked over at Yoongi, his scowl softening slightly, but he still looked annoyed. "What is it Yoongi?" he asked, grabbing another dagger and throwing it again, his aim impeccable.

Yoongi snapped out of his little thought and glared at Hoseok, "well I'm trying to sleep, but somebody keeps throwing fucking knives at a wall!"

"They're daggers, not knives," Hoseok corrected, taking the ones he had just thrown off the target.

The mint haired male rolled his eyes, "same difference."

Hoseok only hummed, throwing another one, this one covered in blue roses.

"Are you going to stop?" Yoongi questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Hoseok looked over at him, chuckling lightly before replying, "no."

The mint haired male rolled his eyes, now just sitting on one of the nearby single couches. He hadn't brought his phone with him and was too lazy to go back to his room and get it, so he just sat there and watched as Hoseok threw the daggers over and over again with such precision it amazed him.

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, noticing the younger's gaze fixated on him, which only made him smirk. The mafia boss had been in a bitchy mood since none of his people seemed to be able to retrieve the information SeokJin and Yoongi had lost, it pissed him off. So, to relieve his stress, he grabbed his eleven rose daggers which were so precious to him and began throwing them. Each throw of the dagger, each satisfying sound of the object hitting his target, calmed him down.

"I can teach you," Hoseok told, Yoongi looking at him inquiringly, "how to throw one," he clarified, the mint-haired male nodding.

"C'mere," the black haired male encouraged, Yoongi shuffling over to him since he seemed to be too lazy to pick up his feet.

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