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Riley's POV:

I decided to go back to the living room to see if James was actually gonna do it. I snuck past James because he was in the kitchen. I lid down on the couch and turned on the TV to show James I was actually there. He came over to me and said "hey my beautiful"

"Hey cutie"

"Oh I was talking to the baby" I rolled my eyes

"Hey babe"

"Is that my cue?" I jokingly questioned. He nodded

"Hey hot stuff" I winked.



" are u having second thoughts on the baby" I put my head down I don't know how to answer.


"It's okay let's just forget that!" James said. I felt really bad. I couldn't handle it, I just stormed out if the room leaving dumb founded. I go to the elevator. And run outside. A few minutes later James shows up. It's just AKWARD silent's. It's never been like that ever. I decided to say something.

"James, I'm not having second thoughts it's just coming to me so quickly. I mean I ecstatic for us but. I don't know where missing a step." I told him honestly.

" riley?"

"Ya?" He got down on one knee and said;

"Riley I know that this is what was missing. Riley bealton will you marry me?" I was just about to melt down right there. It was so sweet.

"YES!!" And we went back to our room and made out the whole time

A/N: cute right?

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