Elementary Days

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Ughh here it goes again. Another day of annoyance from the one and only Kim Seok Jin -.-

Yeah sure everybody thinks he's Mr. Perfect, Mr. Campus Heartthrob, Mr. Popular, Prince Charming and Mr. Everything Nice!!! EVERYBODY THINKS THAT EXCEPT FOR ME.

He is totally the exact opposite for me. He is so damn annoying! >.< Like hell he is MR. BADBOY for me!

Yesterday, He replaced my coke with soy sauce mixed with water!!!! Deym.. I was fooled. And then, the other day, He mixed the sugar on my bread with salt! ARGHHHH why does he love to prank on what I eat. Is he seriously planning to poison me or what???

And now, today, He ACCIDENTALLY tripped me on my way towards my table causing my food to fall allover the place. WOW this is just great! I have nothing to eat and I ended up cleaning this mess which isnt my fault in the first place! and take note he ACCIDENTALLY tripped me... sooooo much sarcasm.

"Hey... Ahhh.. Umm.. Im really sorry about that." he apologized while OBVIOUSLY hiding his laugh.

Yeah great! Now I have to deal with his plasticity (dont really know if theres such word as that).

"Its NO BIG DEAL actually. It was just an accident right?" i asked him with all sarcasm. I walked away not waiting for his answer. Ive got enough of him!

"Mianhae, Jullie. Here, take my lunch to replace yours." he grabbed my arm and offered his lunch. Well that was sincere. But he does this always anyway. After every prank he does, He automatically says sorry and offers me something in return. But i dont accept it. Who knows it some kind of follow up prank.

"Never mind. I'd rather waste my money on buying a thousand meals until i eat safely without your interference than risking my life in eating one of your follow up pranks!" and with that bitter reponse, I left. Hmphhhh serves him right. Let him BURN

MY GOODNESS WHEN WILL THIS EVER END???? Im so fed up already. Why wont he just leave me alone? Why cant he find another person to prank on? Its not like Im the lamest person in this school.

Ive spent my 6 years of elementary continuously turning in the palm of his hand. And this has to stop already. I cant wait until we graduate. By then, Ill be free from this annoying cycle of life.

Ill finally transfer to another school and there'll be no more Kim Seok Jin in my way.

Just have more patience Jullie. FIGHTING!!! ^_^

When I got home, I immediately called eomma.

"eomma, have you decided yet where ill transfer next school year?" i asked her with all curiousity.

"Ne. You'll be at EXO ACADEMY. Although, I still dont get the reason why you want to transfer. BTS ACADEMY is a prestigious school and its near our house why would you want to transfer?" eomma questioned me.

"eomma, i told you already! i want to have new experiences. thats all!" i told her even though thats not quite the true reason why.

"ne fine." eomma went back to her cooking.

I rushed to room and found unni there.

"August unni!!!!" i squealed and braced her for a hug.

"Jullie dongsaeng!!! so hows your day?" she asked.

"You know... same old routine" i told her while rolling my eyes.

"You know what... I think he likes you!" august unni while lying back down on my bed.

"Pshhhhh. How could that even happen?" i replied. She's crazy that would never happen.

"Who knows it will...." she said.

"Stop dreaming. That will never ever happen." i clarified her.

"Well it might!" she's so persistent! ugh. Her imagination is controlling her brain.

"It wont happen okay! He practically pranks me in my everyday living!That just shows how much he hates me. And you could never love someone you hate, unnie." i answered her dramatically.

"ok fine. dont get so upset about it. Im just considering the options..." she said.


The night has come and our argument with unni was still on my mind. UGH UGH ERASE ERASE ERASE. THERE'S NO POSSIBILITY THAT HE'LL LIKE ME. Just go to sleep already...

The next day came and another prank was made... Whatever! This is so part of my daily routine anyway.

Today was quite fun actually. I got the opportunity to tease Jin by calling him Pink Princess. Although he wasn't bothered by it. So its like an epic fail plan of annoying him.

Who knew Mr. BadBoy would love the color PINK anyway??? Thats just soooo GAY.

And why the hell would he want to be a PRINCESS? totally GAY.

WHATTA MAJOR TURN OFF. thats what ive got to say. But the other girls seems to get all flustered up and finds it cute. Whats so cute about a guy who loves pink and princesses??? ILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THEM.

Days passed and I was being PATIENT. We finally graduated and I transfered to my new school. Another new life to start. A life without Kim Seok Jin.



find out on the next chapter! ;)

there will only be 3 chapters by the way.

Chapter 2: Highschool Days Without Him

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