9. Working On The Project

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Pamela's POV

Now where could I find the place where Nathaniel parked his car?

I wondered when school was over. We had to go and shop for molecules for the project and I couldn't find him anywhere. I sighee and spotted Nolan.

"Nolan!" I yelled when I saw him walking on the hallway.

"Hm?" He quirked his eye brows when I approached him.

"Um, do you know where Nathaniel parks his car?"I asked.

"Why would you be looking for that?" He inquired.

"We have a projectto work on." I uttered in a 'duhh' tone.

"Oh..It's at the last row in the parking lot." He directed.

"Thanks." I showed gratitude.

"If he tries anything funny call me." He said and I nodded dashing outside for the search. It didn't take me long to find his car because he was busy making out with Belinda.

But there was something about that kiss I wasn't sure of....it wasn't...passionate...eh, what do I know about passion and non passion apart from passion fruit?

Our eyes met briefly and immediately they did, as though I never existed, he sucked her face harder than a vacuum cleaner. It was like he wanted to prove something. That even I wasn't sure of.

A part of me wanted to turn and walk away but I had a project and I need an 'A'. I cleared my throat awkwardly but they continued eating their faces.

"Na..Nathaniel." I called.

"What?" He barked whiles she scowled at me.

"The..the project." I trembled.

"Don't worry, we'll continue our undone business later." He assured her and pecked her lips again. When Belinda passed by me she whispered something to me,"Don't you dare try to seduce him because you won't like it."and I gulped.

"Hurry up bitch we ain't got all day." He said bored and I awkwardly moved to the passengers seat and sat down. Sighning, he sauntered to the driver's seat and sat as well and started to drive.

When we reached his house, I nearly gaped at it. The house could have been mistaken for a grand hotel.

"Would you stop staring and get down?"He rolled his eyes and took out the car keys. "Or none of your boyfriends houses are like this?" He teased and I resisted from rolling my orbs.

We got down and he led me inside after the door bell was rung. Mrs Demen gave me a warm welcome.

"Pamela, welcome to our humble home."Mrs Demen chirped.

"The pleasure's mine." I grinned briefly looking over.

"Come, have a seat." She offered and led me to the hall to take a seat. When I plopped into the large sofa, I nearly sank into it due to how soft it is. I took time to observe the well furnished house and the huge hall, curved HD television, the air conditioners and  the large chandelier above my head.

Nathaniel followed his mom and came back after a while.

"Come on." He ordered and I follow him like a lost puppy. My heart was racing as we headed to his room.

He opened the door of his room and I nearly drooled. His handsome large picture was hanging above his king sized bed which and grey and black sheets and a lot of pillows.

He had an air conditioner as well, a study table and a dressing table,white curtains.

"Start with the project and stop looking around." He interrupted my thoughts.

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