Chapter One

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Y/N=Your Name
F/C=Favorite Color
V/N=Victim Name
F/F=Favorite Food
C/W=Co Worker
C/N=City Name

A/N: 600+ words each chapter! Also after this chapter there might be many chapters just after its posted, can't let the motivation go away!


I take off my (F/C) Wire rimmed glasses, yawning. I've been studying the case of murders recently. Each victim has had their faces carved into a bloody smile, and their eyelids burned. This killer was good, No trace at all except for their victims death. Only few People had survived, but only one gave a statement, (V/N).

I looked at the report that (V/N) had made. I started to read out loud. " The killer was a female, 5'7. She had jet black hair and white porcelain skin. Her face had a carved smile in it, and she had no eyelids. Her weapon was a kitchen knife. Only one thing she said was ' Go to sleep. ' " My eyes had widened at the words ' Go to Sleep. '

I put down the report and put my glasses back on. I turned to my computer on my desk and I type in the search engine. ' Jeff the killer ' and sure enough there was pictures of him, And a few fanart that had ' Go to sleep. ' in the background, why the hell are people fans of these killers?. The report had also stated that it was a female killer, so I typed in ' Female Jeff the killer '. There was fanart of a female Jeff and the label on the fanart said Jess the killer.

Maybe Creepypasta's ARE real. But this ' Jess The Killer ' might just be a insane girl who wanted to act and be her. I then looked at the time on my watch and saw it was 11:23 PM, 23 minutes over my shift.

I sighed, then took off my glasses. Then I pinched the bridge of my nose. I put my glasses back on and got up. C/W saw me and waved. " Hey Y/N! " C/W said, smiling. I smiled back at them.

" Hello! " I said back. Then I packed my things that were non work wise. I organized my desk, but hid the report in my desk drawer. I locked the drawer with my key.  I adjusted my coat and put my phone in the pocket of it.

I then went to the front door of the C/N PD, opening it. I got out of the police department and looked around. If anyone tried to mug me of my money, or other reasons, I can shoot them with my gun. I was authorized with a gun for self defense since I'm a young girl.

I walk down the street, passing strangers on the sidewalk. As I finally meet the doorstep of my home, I stared at the front of my house. Then I went around the back to make sure if anyone broke in. One window was broken, meaning someone broke in.

I took out my phone and dialed my department. " C/NPD, how may I help you? " The dispatcher said. " This is Investigator L/N. One of my windows is broken and I suspect that someone broke in. May I have back up? " I asked the dispatcher.

" Someone has been dispatched as back up Investigator L/N. Wait for th- " I cut them off. " Great! Thank you! " I hung up then took out my pistol. Can't let them get away as I wait. So I have to go in by myself.

I take out a flashlight, and held out my pistol glancing around, and watching my back.


I heard someone giggle. I turned around quickly and kept my eyes open, then I go to my bedroom door. The room that has the broken window. I take a small deep breath. Then I open the door quickly and get in, I check all corners. No one was in the corners. I then see the closet. I walk to it carefully, then point my pistol to it. I slowly opened the closet. No one was in here.

" Go to sleep. ~ "

Or so I thought.

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