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"Kayla! You're incredibly cute date is here!"

Kayla Davis's mother yelled to her.

It was a friday night.

The exact night that her long-time crush Zayn Malik had told her that he'd pick her up for their date.

She was excited, to say the least. 

Let's just say that that question was out of the blue to her.


It was Monday.

The day Kayla dreaded most of all.

The only thing she looked forward too was History with Zayn.

Zayn was popular.

And when I say popular, I mean it.

Almost every girl at school adore the beautiful Bradford boy.

Kayla being one, also.

They'd talked a few times in class, but not that much. 

That was, until Monday. 

She walked into class, early as usual. 

She plopped down next to him, and sighed.

"You okay?" Zayn asked, laughing slightly.

Kayla grinned, and turned  to him.

"Well, it is a Monday? What do you think?" She giggled.

"That's true." He responded.

Then he smiled.

Kayla looked at the clock.

There was 10 minutes until class started.

She got out her notebook, pencil, and whatever else she needed.

No reason to be unprepared it there? ;)

She snuck a glance at Zayn.

He was looking at her.

Once he noticed she was staring back, he turned his head, and turned slight red.

Kayla just giggled.

"Hey Kay?" Zayn asked out of nowhere.

"Yes?" She responded.

"What're you doing this Friday night...?" 

"Umm... nothing, I don't think. Why?"  

Was he asking her on a date?

'No way.' She thought. 'That was Zayn Malik, hottest boy in school."

"Well, I was wondering..." He trailed off and looked at his hands.

This wasn't a normal Zayn.

He was usually very confident. 

He didn't know what was changing him.

Kayla was just as confused.

"Wondering what?" She asked.

"If... you would want to go to the cinema... with me?" He sheepishly replied.

Kayla was shocked.

He was asking her.

After a few seconds of silence, Zayn continued quickly,

"I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine..."

Kayla shook her self from her daze.

"NO! I mean, I would love to go the cinema with you."

He suddenly grinned like a wild man?

"REALLY? That-that's great! I'll pick you up at 7? Sound good?" 

She just nodded, not trusting her voice.

"Great!" He smiled as the bell rung.

*End of Flashback"

Kayla smiled at the thought.

"Coming mom!" She yelled as she finished with her make-up.

Just a little bit of eye-shadow, and mascara.

She looked down at her outfit.

She looked pretty good, if she could say for herself.

She ran down the stairs, but stopped at the second to last one.

She then walked out calmly.

When she looked at Zayn, a gasp escaped her mouth.

He looked drop dead gorgeous.

He had a gray button down, with dark blue jeans.

'Perfection.' Kept playing in her head.

He smiled as he looked at Kayla.

'Beautiful.' Played in his mind.

"Hey." He said sheepishly. 

"You look lovely."

She looked down and blushed.

"Thanks.. You look great, too."

Kayla could swear she saw a pink tint to his cheeks, but she wasn't sure.

"Alright kids!" Kaylas mum interuppted their thoughts.

"Off you go!" She pushed them out the door.

After they were out the front door, they looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

Zayn grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go!"


"That seriously happened to you?" Kayla was laughing her head off as Zayn told his story about his fist day of highschool.

"Yeah, I was just a tiny freshman! And I didnt know what to do after that! What do you do when a big senoir pants you in gym class?" By that time, Zayn was laughing himself.

To say the least, their date went great.

They ended up seeing Mirror Mirror.

One, she loved Snow White and Two, it reminded her of Zayn.

They were at Kayla's stair now.

"Um.. I had a great time tonight Zayn." She blushed and looked down at her shoes.

Zayn grinned.

"Me too... I'll see you on Monday?" He asked, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Yupp." Kayla looked at him and smiled.

Suddenly, the light flickered on and off.

Kayla looked in the window, and saw her mom wink at her, then scurry away.

Kayla just rolled her eyes.

"Alrighty then. I'll see you, Zayn. Bye."

Kayla turned away, only to be stopped by a hand on her arm.

When she turned back around, she felt a pair of lips on hers.

She was shocked for a millisecond, but then snapped back to reality, and kissed him back.

They tasted like the Coke Icee they had shared at the movies.

Their lips slowly moved against each other, longing out the kiss.

Finally, Zayn pulled away.

"Bye Kayla."

He kissed her cheek, and walked into the night, leaving Kayla dazed on her porch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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