Recovering courage

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Stephen POV:

At some point the conversation stopped, I took it as an awkward silence, nobody said anything, until I felt Hosuh's head resting on my shoulder, I felt a chill climb up my back, and I realized why he was not talking, he had fallen asleep, I did not want to move so as not to wake him up, but inside I was begging to get out of there, but at the same time I was ... enjoying it?

The next day, I woke up to see that Hosuh was gone, I looked around confused to see him in the kitchen turning his back on me while sipping a cup of tea.

"Hosuh?" I said quietly.

I see Hosuh getting totally red, probably ashamed of what happened last night.

"H-hi Stephen, Good night" hosuh design almost shaking
"...It's morning" i said confused
"Oh y-yeah, silly me" Hosuh said.

I felt pity for Hosuh so I decided to leave him with his affairs, I listen to the door of Daniel's room to see him come out with a face of fatigue.

"Hey Dan" I said as I raised my hand for a second
"Good morning, weird thing see you awaken so soon" Daniel giggle
"Yeah what can I say" I said looking at Hosuh
"Morning Daniel" said Hosuh seeming to have completely returned to normal
"Hi Hosuh, I see that you finally got out of bed, feeling better?" Daniel said
"Yeah" Hosuh nodded.

Hosuh had removed a couple of bandages already and he looked less worried, I offered Hosuh to accompany him outside, at first he did not want to but sooner or later he ended up accepting, at first he was very nervous, but little by little he calmed down, to break the ice I started a conversation.

"See, nothing to worry about, the criminals maybe one, maybe twice they attack the same victim, but never three, same, if I saw them, I would like to show them what is good" is said closing my fist
"He he...yeah" Hosuh laughed nervously.

Hosuh POV:

To be honest, at first I was very nervous, but Stephen's good-natured talk calmed me a bit, being next to him I felt more secure than ever, I guess it's because Stephen has always had that rude attitude, during the talk, I felt that Stephen found it increasingly difficult to articulate the words, I looked at him and he was red as a tomato, I did something to annoy or embarrass him, I am bothering him?, oh no.

Stephen POV:

I do not know why, but suddenly I'm feeling an exaggerated desire to take Hosuh's hand, I feel the need to protect him ... as a friend, but that would make everything so uncomfortable. My hand acts on his own and takes Hosuh's, he turns to see me with a little blush, he smiles at me and returns to see the path.

"Uh- I-I meant to" I said like a volcano releasing my hand from Hosuh's
"Uuuuh, Stephen, are you feeling alright, do you want to get back home?" Hosuh says innocently
"Fuck no" I said almost screaming.

I was completely red, Hosuh looked at me with a confused face, the walk was uncomfortable for the rest of the time, but the criminals did not jump us, maybe those bastards already started to bother some other place.

Since the walk, Hosuh has been calmer, I'm very relieved to see him returned as his previous attitude, in fact, he went to the store on his own, this worried me a lot, but he insisted on going alone, when I heard the door unlocking I was afraid to see it hit again, but fortunately it was not like that, after he open the door with bags in his hands, he just glare me with a smile.

When it was time for dinner, Daniel ordered two pizzas, we considered it exaggerated, both Hosuh and I said it would be too much, but hey, more means better, once the worker arrived, Daniel recieved the pizzas, we started eating, Hosuh took two slices,he always has been a light eater, while I ate 4, Daniel only took one by one, we started talking about issues of the channel, Hosuh stopped contributing to the conversation, he gave a slight balbuse and banged his head against the table.

"What?" Daniel said confused
"Tired so soon is just the 8" i said with a smile
"Hosuh get up" Daniel said a little more serious
"Hosuh!" I said shaking his head
"Hosuh is this a prank?, because is not funny" Daniel said

Hosuh POV a minute before:

Daniel and Stephen were talking about the channel, me too, but suddenly I felt that my speaking ability was going away, my body was not responding, making it fall to the table, and finally everything went black.

Stephen POV:

At first we thought that Hosuh only played, but as he did not answer, we ended up in panic, Daniel called an ambulance while I shouted at him in desperation, A patrol arrived followed by an ambulance, when they asked where was the problem we referred to Hosuh, they made us a couple of questions like: if he had drunk alcohol, he used some drug, among other things, they did not take Hosuh, they only prescribed a couple of medicines for when he wakes up, most likely, the next day, if he did not wake up for the night of tomorrow to call again, a paramedic helped me move Hosuh to his room, now we have to wait until tomorrow.

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