Cala is also disturbed. Dear god save us all.

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Offenderman: If you do not calm down and stop screaming, I will be forced to yeet you as far as I can.


Me: *She releases the kiss and smiles then pulls Sans's face closer to her again* Sans your face is blue!


Strawberry Smoothie: *thumbs up* best prank ever.

Cala Maria: NO. NO IT WAS NOT!!!

Strawberry Smoothie: It was funny, though. I did a bunch other pranks...I can't remember them though...I did one to Cherry and Sea...I don't think they remember though

Sea Tea: *She tackles Strawberry* YES I DO!

Strawberry Smoothie: well shit. *She shrugs* It was funny though!!!!

Sea Tea: No it wasn't!

Cherry Soda: Are we doing a cup stack??? I WANNA JOIN!

Strawberry Smoothie: WAIT WHAT?! I NEVER AGREED TO THIS! *Cherry and Sparkly jump on top of them* GET OFF OF ME YOU GUYS ARE HEAVY!



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