Chapter 1 - Confusion

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       ||Chapter 1 - Confusion||

"Guess what I found out today?" Lia says with a bounce in her step. 

"What?" I ask with a breathless laugh, I knew she was about to tell me the latest gossip. She turns to look at me, "Gavin and Ruby aren't actually mates! They faked the whole thing, and when Ruby actually found her mate, his name is Orin, Gavin flipped and beat the crap out of him! But Orin won because not only is he higher in rank by pack, but he is a Beta for the Alpha of the Red Sparrow pack. Ruby obviously chose Orin because she's a greedy gal and well now Gavin is a drunk." Lia tells me about the latest gossip.

"Wow, that's crazy. I'm not surprised though; I mean Ruby and Gavin? They could not have been an even more perfect couple." I say truthfully, they weren't a star couple it's just that they liked to fool around with many different people so when they settled do- you know what I mean they were just a bunch of horny teenagers who liked the attention, the stars of the school. Like the ones you see in the movies where the two main stars of the school become a couple, that was sort of what I meant by them being a perfect couple. 

"And guess what else?" Lia says but this time this news seemed to be even more exciting as she was ready to explode by the looks of it. 

"What?" I look at her with a smile.

"There is a new student and it's a boy! According to my sources he is one fine piece of meat!" Lia says dreamily with an added effect of a sigh and a hand to the forehead.

"Well, let's hope the rumors are true." I smirk which in turn also made Lia smirk. 

"Let's hope." She replies and we walk arm linked together down the hall because we were that type of best friends.

Lia and I headed towards our class that we were about to have which was maths. On the way there we talked a whole bunch about mates, Lia and I were still mateless but it wasn't something we were too worried about since we had time. 

I open the door and we both walk in sitting at our desk which was next to the window, I always had the window seat because it had the view of the outside which sometimes calmed me down whenever math was really stressing me out. I look out and see a black SUV pull up to the front of the school and the principal greeting with their head down. 

Must be a high ranked wolf visiting our school. I continue to watch the driver exchange a few words with our principal before he opened the door the car to reveal the mysterious person inside the car. I was at the edge of my seat looking out the window because something was pulling me towards the person, my wolf Scarlett started howling and chanting, 'Mate! Mate! Mate!' whoever is in that car it is clear to say that they could be my possible mate.

Now I say possible because maybe it was someone in the hallway that Scarlett was going after but no it wasn't. That was when it hit me, the smell of rain and nature. It made my wolf go crazy and me curious to who was about to step out of the car. 

Unfortunately, Lia decided to interrupt my thoughts and shook me to get my focus onto her.

"Are you listening to me?! The student is here! Oh my goddess I'm freaking out Van!" Lia says continuing to shake me.

"Chill. I can hear you." I say removing her hands carefully off of me as she calmed down. 

"Sorry." Lia says with a sheepish smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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