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A/N: It's been a while omo.......... this was a request from @FanfictionMania160 so some credit goes to him. Go check him out he is really talented! Right that's enough, lets get straight into it!! 

It's been exactly a month since Jikook happened and they have never been more in love. The secret dates, exchanging glances, kisses and sneaking into each others rooms in the middle of the night. A/N: OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH OMOOOOOO! It was all exciting to Jungkook, don't get him wrong, but Jungkook felt guilt that he couldn't tell his closest hyung, Taehyung, and the others about all these happy feelings. It was getting to him a lot lately so he explained it to Jimin.   

"Kookie, I'm really scared. Can we not wait a little longer?" Jimin whines whilst being dragged by Jungkook.

"Jimin, it's been a month already. I'm sure it will be okay. Our hyungs love us and support us no matter what!" Jimin starts to slow down making Jungkook stop. He turns to see a teary-eyed Jimin.

*Sigh* "Jimin, baby. Please don't cry. I know your scared, I am too but I will promise you one thing. No matter what happens, good or bad, I will always be with you. No matter what!" He holds Jimin's face in his hands wiping away the tears before leaving a light, sweet kiss on his lips. As they stare into----EACH OTHERS SOULS! JK JK---each others eyes they exchange promises. "Until death do us part"


Before they open the door Jungkook turns to Jimin who looks terrified and reassures him before taking a deep breath and proceeding.

"Guys your back! mother Jin has made food your just in time!" J-Hope says running to the table.

They all get confortable around the table and that Jin before eating.

"So what did you guys get up to today?" Taehyung says winking and nudging Jungkook.

'Does he know something already?' Jungkook thought before clearing his throat and smilig at jimin. He then turns back to Taehyung who was waiting for an answer. All was quiet......

"Well he and my BOYFRIEND went out for some coffee and had stroll through the park on our lovely date." It just came out so natural even Jungkook was shook....jungshook!!

"Wait you" Finally after Taehyung puts two and two together....."OH MY GAWWWDDDD!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US!!!!"

The others smile and agree with Taehyung.

" I guess just waiting for the right time was key." Jimin laughes after realizing he was holding his breath all that time.

"Well, here is a Jikook!!"


As they all laugh and joke Tae excuses himself from the table....

He closes the door to his dorm room before slowly sliding against it onto the floor.

"I'm happy for you, I am. Even though my heart breaks...I am happy for you, I am."


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