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Dream In A Dream

Don't ever let me come
down from your love
From your love


Soonyoung looked around his surroundings. It was the weekend and he slept over at Jihoons home again. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on the couch after watching a movie with the boy.

When did he get in Jihoons room?

The sound of water made Soonyoung look to the open door. Just across from it was the bathroom, also open.

Soonyoung threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood. He made his way to the bathroom, feeling slightly dizzy.

As he washed his face the water stopped and the curtain opened. Soonyoung made a noise of surprise and looked away, covering his eyes.

"Good morning." Jihoon chuckled as he dried his hair.

The elder was red, "G-good morning. D-do you have a towel on?"


Soonyoung turned, grateful that Jihoon did, in fact, have a towel around his waist.

"How'd you sleep?" The blonde asked, stepping out of the shower and leaning against the counter.

The raven head shrugged, "Fine. How about you?"

Jihoon smiled, "Incredible." He was looking Soonyoung up and down.


"Get on the bed."

Soonyoung had wide eyes but left the bathroom and walked to the bedroom. Everything felt so odd he didn't feel like it was real.

When Jihoon appeared, he was still in a towel. He pushed Soonyoung down onto the bed and landed above him. Their lips both immediately caught each other.

Soonyoungs hands found Jihoons wet hair and he moaned loudly.


Soonyoung sat up in bed.

Looking around again, it was the exact same. Soonyoung was confused. Had it been a dream? The soft lips and Jihoons scent were so real.

The bedroom and bathroom door were both open and water was running again. Soonyoung got up from the bed and slowly walked out. Past the hall and into the bathroom.

"What the heck," Soonyoung mumbled, watching his tired face in the mirror.

As he splashed water into his face, the water stopped once again. Jihoon stepped out with a towel around his waist instead.

"Morning, babe."

Soonyoung nodded and dried his hands with a towel.

"Did you sleep well?"

Another nod.

"What's wrong?"

Soonyoung pursed his lips, "Nothing. I'll go make some food." He practically ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

Leaning against the wall, Soonyoung breathed heavily and he held his head. "What's wrong with you?" He scolded himself and walked towards the cabinets and began making breakfast.

When Jihoon emerged from the bathroom minutes later he made himself known by grabbing Soonyoung and setting his hands on the boys' midriff.

Soonyoung screeched in surprise, dropping what he was holding. "Jihoon!"

Jihoon laughed, muffled by Soonyoungs neck, tickling the elder.

"You're wife material, babe. Making food for your husband."

Soonyoung turned around, huffing. "I'm the husband and you're my sexy wife."

Jihoon laughed again, "Whatever floats your boat, babe."

While Soonyoung got back to making food Jihoon sat at the dining table, which had more chairs now.

"You know, I heard you last night." Jihoon began and Soonyoung hummed.

"You were moaning my name."

Soonyoung slowly turned red.

"I didn't know you were such a horny slut."

The elder was completely red, he really had a wet dream while at someone's house. Even worse, they were in the same bed.

"I-I'm sorry," Soonyoung mumbled, setting Jihoons plate in front of him.

Jihoon seemed amused.

"Sorry for what?"

"You probably think I'm disgusting. If you want I can leave-"

Jihoon laughed loudly, "Why would think I'm disgusted? It was hot, babe. Hearing my name from your mouth like that."

Soonyoung turned around, "G-give me a second."

The younger kept laughing.

I'm staying up
I don't wanna come
down from your love

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