Do people really work hard to earn money???

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Nowadays, videos that are posted everyday are not from singers, actors or journalists, they are just from normal people who share their personal stories on social network. And some of them, really make money from it. And that is not usual at all.

Actually, these people usually had failed in their studies and don't have a job, so posting daily videos is the easiest way to earn money. They wake up and put their camera on, they post morning routine videos, evening routine videos, Vlogs, answer some questions, funny pranks, birthdays, everything.

They share the video, wait to get a number of views and then, they get into some money. As far as they get more views, they get more money. And sometimes, they can have more money than someone who had pasted years on studying and works as a teacher or as an employer and that is really unfare.

Some people work hard to earn money but for others it depends only on a camera or a smartphone and some views.

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