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What pranks did the signs do on April Fools in Class 1-A?

Aries: You wrote "KING EXPLOSION MURDER" on Bakugo's desk, locker, dorm room door and the board.

Taurus: You put a sticky note on Aizawa's back without him noticing. It said "KICK ME."

Gemini: A fake spider was put in Izuku Midoriya's desk. He screeched and jumped out of his chair in the middle of class.

Cancer: You used an anonymous number to text Shoto with.
You: "Are you my daddy?"
Shoto: "Um, who is this?"
You: "So, that's a yes?"
Shoto: "Umm..."
You: "Guess that makes Endeavor my grandfather."
*He blocked you after that.*

Leo: You pulled the fire alarm and didn't think about the consequences. It turned into chaos after.

Virgo: You pied Mineta in the face.

Libra: You gave Iida your gatorade (after replacing it with blue cleaner) and watched him hack and cough after taking a sip during class.

Scorpio: You come to class carrying a box of donuts for everyone. When everyone goes to open it they realize you replaced the donuts with celery. Bakugo attacked you.

Sagittarius: You dyed Bakugo's hair pink.

Capricorn: You put the signs PUSH on the school doors and watched students struggle to open them.

Aquarius: You spent the night before filling the entire classroom with balloons. So much so that no one could even see there desk and everyone kept popping them.

Pisces: Give out oreos filled with white toothpaste instead of a creme filling.

I wanted to do this part because it's April Fools today. I'm sry if it's not that funny b/c I put it together rlly quick.

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