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Park Y/N P.O.V

I get up from my morning sleep and head downstairs to meet my parents before they leave for work, they engulf me in a tight hug "happy birthday y/n" I smile and hug them back "when can I drive?" they giggle and nod their heads "you are too young" I frown in disappointment "but i'm 18 today". Ever since I had turned 16 they have never let me drive on my own yet they never told me why. I guess it's just the anxiety they have from being a secret police agent.

"So what's today's work," I say eating some of my breakfast, "well we have intel on a robbery taking place today," mom says as she and dad start packing up their things. 

Mom hugs me and smiles finally getting back to the driving question "too young" I sigh and head to the bus station to head to school. I hate taking the bus to school but I can't drive and my parents can't take me to school only when it rains. They always treat me like a little girl always making sure I'm not doing something that I'm not supposed to do.

I walk up to my two friends Joohyun and Suho, but I'm more like the third wheel since they have been together for like two years now. "so y/n what school?" Joohyun asks me. I smile and show them the acceptance letter for the school of my dreams or more like the school of my parents dream. I'm already in my last year of high school but I've always wanted to transfer to my dream school which was something way different than what my parents wanted.

"omo you'll do great since you are already in the top of our class" Jooohyun says putting her hands up I smile and high-five her. That's because my parents always want me at the top otherwise I wouldn't try so hard.

Suho looks over at the parking lot and points "new?" we turn around to see a group of boys entering our school. I make eye-contact with on of them, he smiles but not the typical cheery smile and makes his way over to where we are. These boys they seem different, I though to myself while watching one of them make his way over to me.

Suho holds Joohyun's hands and walks away leaving me alone with them I nervously look at them as they walk up "um mind showing them around?" he points at the boys behind him "they are new here" I nod in agreement only because his is kinda intimidating me. 

"YO Taeyong you coming to the party you better" the guy who was in front of me turns to look at the most popular kid in school Lee Jooheon he only every invited people to his parties if he thought they were worthy to be seen around him. He glares at the sight of me and turns to look at me "nerd what are you doing here?" he says pushing me out of the way. "I'll go only if y/n is here," he says as the boys behind him look at him in surprise. 

Jooheon glares at me and smiles back at Taeyong visibly troubled, "fine but don't bring books or your precious homework unless you want to give it to me" he says walking away with his lucky girlfriend of the week. 

I nod in confusion as Taeyong starts walking away, "you better be there baby girl" I turn around feeling flushed and try to head back to class with my face red. As I was walking back someone grabbed my arm tightly "aren't you forgetting" I smile at the right showing them around. 

While the one named Taeyong starts making his way back to his expensive-looking car "yah wait" I yell out as he turns around with a smirk on his face. "h-how did you know my name?" I say as he points at my workbook. "See Park Y/N" he finishes off walking back to his car. He's so arrogant I think to myself

I watch as Taeyong leaves, I wonder why he isn't staying he seems like he's around my age he should be a senior.

"My name is y/n" they nod not saying anything, gosh these boys are so hard to talk to. One of them smiles at me "nice to meet you I'm Jeno" I smile back nodding as I lead them to their classes. 

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