Chapter 1 Phone call

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Chapter 1

"Phone call"

It's already two in the afternoon and there's no sign of New's post on Twitter. Today is the day that he will announce the names of the people who have been cast on his new series. Sprawling on his bed, Plan is busy playing on his phone while waiting for New's announcement. He's not aiming for the main role he's fine with the supporting ones like the characters he portrayed such as Wit in Make it Right and Petch in War of High School the series, but of course deep down his wishful heart that he will get a role that he deserve. Plan knew he is not a great actor but he will strive and will do his best to become a worthy one.

His manager pushed Plan to give this project a try since New personally asked him to. Plan got excited because Mean messaged him in Line few days ago informing him that he even got called for this series.

Plan and Mean met in one of New's work, Make it Right. They've known each other for almost two years now. They became close because they don't have a partner on the said series and thought it'll nice if they'll just accompany each other. They stick together like glue that a fan even made a joke, that next time he and Mean will become a couple. They only laughed at that joke and didn't comment.

Plan cursed when his Line notification blocked his screen. He pause his game and did nothing but to read New's message. He's been waiting for this for the whole day now. He opened the director's chat box and read the message.

From P'New:

02:19 pm

-congratulations you got the role of Can. Let's meet tomorrow with the other cast in the morning. Can is one of the main characters and is paired with Tin. So be ready! XD

Overwhelmed, Plan raised his arms up and yelled a deafening YES. Finally he got a good role in the series. He felt excited and the smile on his face never left while he composes a message to his manager informing the good news. His fingers are shaking and he couldn't concentrate on what to tell her so he calmed himself by taking few deep breaths and continue to type. After the message got sent he walked into the garden to talk to his mom.

"Mae?" Plan was looking for her mother in the garden. He saw her sitting on a footstool while gingerly watering the bonsai plants sitting on the ground.

Plan's mom loves plants. She spent most of her time in their garden and she's happy with it. She is busy tending her bonsai when her youngest child squatted adjacent to her. She tilted her head when she felt someone moved to her side.

"Hey." She gave her son a warm smile before continuing her work.

"I got one of the main roles." Plan beamed with happiness.

His mom smile grew wider and settled the water spray on the ground giving her full attention to him. "Congratulations, I'm so proud of you." She placed his hand on her son's shoulder and gently patted it.

"But mae." He hesitated to tell his mom that the character he will portray is going to be coupled to a guy. He felt nervous afraid that his mom won't understand him. He was fiddling with his fingers to calm himself.

"But what?" Plan's mom gave her son a reassuring smile driving him to open up.

"I'm... I'm paired to a guy. Are you fine with it?" With caution he was able to blurt out the words.

His mom just nodded her head in understanding. "Of course it's just for the sake of the series and this might give you a huge break for your acting career." She justified.

"Thanks mae." He felt relieved after hearing his mom's reassuring words.

"You are my son I will always support you." She said slightly sounded more serious.


After dying for the nth time, Plan sat up and fetched the pillow behind him to hug. He dialed Mean's number to get any news from him. He was randomly tapping his fingers on the pillow sitting on his lap when Mean answered his call.

"Hey!" He excitedly exclaimed upon hearing a whining sound. It looks like he interrupted the younger man's afternoon nap.

"Hmmmm. What's up Phi?" He coughed to clear his throat and Plan can't help but to chuckle.

"Look P'New said I've been cast as one of the main character. Did he inform you about yours?" With such eagerness he inquired.

Mean on the other line rubbed his drowsy eyes and yawned before answering his Phi's question. "Yes he did this morning. P'New said there are six main characters and I'm one of them. He didn't go into details and it was not quite clear to me because P'New was hurrying and immediately ended the call before I could ask him questions."

"That's unfair!" The older exclaimed startling the younger one.

"Why? How is that unfair?" Mean got curious on the sudden outburst of his phi.

"He called you and he just texted me." He said in a gloomy sigh.

If only Plan can see how Mean rolled his eyes on the other line he is sure that he'll get a smack from the other party. Sometimes Mean wants to ask if Plan is really the older when he actually acts as the younger.

"I'm special and he loves me more." Mean teased his phi more.

"Lies. We all knew P'New loves me." Plan articulated.

"I doubt that. P'New gave me an important role in the series." He chimed with full of pride. He knew that Plan is going to lose with this one.

"Oh really? Who are you then?" Plan imitated Mean's voice.

"He said I'll partake the role as Tin." He taunted.

"W----what???!" Plan's voice quavered.

"Got the second lead role, TIN MEDTHANAN." Mean purposely stressed the words to provoke his phi.

At that moment Plan felt his heart stopped. 'Mean is Tin. Tin is Mean. Mean is... What the hell Mean is going to be my partner!? For reals?' Plan didn't believe what he heard from Mean. His mind was in a complete chaos.

"Phi? Are you still there? P'Plan? PHI?!" When Mean couldn't get any response from the caller he raised his voice a little to get his attention.

"Sorry..... Yes... I'm still here. Are you saying something?" Plan is still on his trance but he was able to answer Mean.

"I'll play as Tin that's what P'New said." Mean continue to speak but Plan was not even listening. "Do you know that I have a couple? I wonder who will get the role Can. I'm fine with anyone but I wish we will get along well."

Plan's jaw dropped. He couldn't utter any word. Mean knows he has a partner but he had no idea who he was. Plan on the other hand knows who's going to be his couple and he couldn't even say it to Mean. He couldn't conclude that he was his partner.

"What about you P'Plan? Did P'New tell you who you are?" Mean inclined.

Plan shut his eyes, battling his inner self if he'll tell Mean that he was the one who will portray Can. Gently he opened his mouth and softy whispered the words.

"I'm Can."

And there was a complete silence on both ends.

Not everything written in this story is true, but other events are based on what happened to them.

Thanks for reading.

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