The Start

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            It's funny how one short trip, a weekend maximum, could change your life forever.  When I was 12 years old, my parents went on vacation to a ski resort in the mountains of West Virginia. They had an absolute blast! What a great way to spend your last days. On their way home, they were in a severe car accident. Neither of them made it. Ever since then, it's just been me, my sister Ally, and my twin brother Colton. Now that 9 years have passed, our lives have finally became almost normal. Until today.

    I woke up to the sound of a car alarm buzzing out my window. I was hoping that after a minute or so the owner of the vehicle would realize, and turn it off. Then I realized, it was my car. I rushed downstairs to see what was going on. Right before I opened the front door, I noticed some men, maybe 3 or 4, in my car going through my thing. I stopped in my tracks, locked the front door and called 911.

 "We're sorry, your call can not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again." The automated voice said. "Hmm, that's weird." I mumbled.  I tried 3 times and each time I got the same voice message. That's when I knew something was up. 

"Ally?" I shouted

"She went to the store! By the way, can you please shut your car up?" Colton shouted while playing his xbox in his bedroom. 

"How long ago?" I said as I walked into his bedroom.

"I don't know, maybe an hour-" Colton stopped. The power went off. 

"What the hell is going on?" I say under my breath as I peek out of Coltons dark curtains. 

"We have to find Ally, something is going on. I tried calling 911 because there are some guys rummaging through my car. Though, it is broad daylight and you'd think they would have ran." That's when I started to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Dudes breaking into MY sisters car? Hell no." Colton exclaimed while grabbing his baseball bat. "I'll show them a little thing or two about breaking into peoples cars." He snarled

"Colton, don't be ridiculous. There were like 4 of them out there, look." I said to Colton, pulling back the curtain. However, this time, there were more. Then all of a sudden, there was a loud scream, just outside the front door.

"Please stop! Stop! Dear God please!" The woman shouted as the men tore into her arm with their teeth.

"Colton, lock the doors, lock the windows, close the blinds, I'll go get dads guns." I say as I try to remain calm. They just tore right into her arm. Gnawing on her pulsating flesh. All I could think about was Ally. What would she do? I mean she practically raised us from the time we were 12 until now. 

"Jade, those guys, they're fucking eating people!" Colton exclaimed with fear in his eyes. My gut was wrenching. 

"We gotta get out of here somehow. What if they break a window and get in?" I said

"Well, my car is in the garage. We can use it and go to the store and get Ally. She'll know what to do." Colton said as he was peeking out the livingroom window. 

"Yea, but lets bring dads guns just incase. Pack a light bag for yourself and some food, enough for me you and Ally, but not too much. Just a say or two worth. I just have a feeling we will be gone for a little while. I'll go pack mine and Ally's" I whispered. I didn't want the crazy men outside to hear me.

          As we were loading the car with luggage, and camping supplies, I kept thinking to myself, "Wake up Jade. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. This is the craziest dream." I knew however, this was all too realistic to be a dream. 

"Okay sis, got my bag packed, and the food. You ready?" Colton grunted as he put his bags in the trunk. 

"Yea." Then I paused. What if this was the end of the world? What if after today, I'll never see this home again? The home that mom and dad raised us in. The home with all of the memories. "Memories!" I shouted. Colton looked at me confused. "Hold on Colt, I need to grab one more thing before we go." I said as I ran into the house. I ran up to mom and dads room. We haven't went in there in years. As I opened the door, I looked at my moms jewelry box, she loved her diamonds. I opened it, and grabbed her favorite necklace, and put it on. Then I found a family portrait, and a quilt that grandma made. All things to make me feel as if this wasn't happening. I hurried out the door, and jumped into the car. Never could I ever have imagined then, what lied ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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