Chapter 9

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They're gathered on the bridge, staring up at holo-screens as Allura debriefs them on their next mission.

"Slav and the Olkari still need our help to gather materials for the building efforts. Some of the components are too far away for any other vessel to travel, except by the castle's wormhole capability. However, there will be a rotation of at least two paladins on Olkarion at all times, as we won't be needing the whole team for this—and additionally, to provide deterrent to border skirmishes."

"We'll switch off every time the castle comes back to drop off the cargo," Shiro adds. "As for teams, Coran has helpfully put together a spreadsheet, taking into account which lions are best for suited for each mission."

"We don't get to choose?" Hunk asks.

Lance throws an arm over Hunk's shoulders. "Aww, it's okay buddy. We'll pair up sooner or later."

"That's what I'm worried about. I'm always stuck listening to you rambling on and on about the exact shade of K—mmph."

"Let's see that spreadsheet, Coran!" says Lance, with his hand halfway stuffed into Hunk's mouth. "Who's gonna be planet-side and who's out on collecting duty?"

"Well," Coran says, idly eyeing the saliva sliding down Lance's wrist, "first up on patrol is you and Pidge, actually."

"Great. I get Lance's love poetry all to myself," grumbles Pidge.

Lance puts her in a headlock. She bites his arm—the one drenched in Hunk spit.

Coran continues, willfully ignoring the spectacle beside him. "Keith, Hunk, and Shiro will be helping me and the Princess retrieve some Ykobir crystals from a flaming asteroid belt that, interestingly enough, closely occupies the same neighbourhood as a black hole!"

"None of that sounds remotely possible," says Hunk. "You—you can't have on-fire asteroids unless they're burning through a planet's atmosph—"

"What's our ETA to Olkarion?" Keith interrupts.

There must be something about his tone, because everyone turns to him slowly, the lightheartedness faltering from their faces.

"Twenty minutes," Shiro answers, after a beat.

Keith nods. "How long will retrieving the crystals take?"

Coran taps something on one of the holoscreens. "With the wormhole, we'll be in the Krinx system in a tick, but actually collecting the crystals is a painstaking process and will most likely take us a whole day. And that's not factoring in breaks."

"I see. Princess, you mentioned border skirmishes—how often do those happen? Is the team—is Olkarion in danger?"

"Ryner reported one failed attempt two movements ago," Allura replies. "But the last one before that was about three phoebs ago. They're not in any immediate danger, but since the construction has picked up—with newer plans being implemented—the Coalition agreed extra security wouldn't be amiss. Until this particular phase is finished, at least."

"Is there...something you're worried about, Keith?" Shiro asks.

Keith stares up at the holoscreens, watching Olkari rotate slowly.

lance screams

"No," he says.

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