The Princess

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What did the princess say to her awaiting knight? The princess with scratches lining her fingers from years of digging in the cobblestones. 

Desperately trying to dig her life out of the hell she had been put in. 

She couldn't even look him in the eyes. 

Her face black from the dirt and filth that surrounded her in her tower. 

How could she even believe that he was a real man standing in front of her. 

That HE was the one who would save her. 

Not herself, the girl who had been stuck in this abyss for as long as she could remember.

 Did he really think he could save her from her prison? 

The walls were 10000 high and 10000 wide. 

Was he a mirage? 

Sent to empty the last of her heart.

 Her eyes stung from the last of her tears that she had cried 12 years ago. 

No more could she cry. 

It was useless. 

Her room smelled salty. 

Salt from the millions of useless tears that had built up on the dusty floor of her heart. 

Her prison wasn't physical. 

It wasn't an actual tower. 

Her prison was herself and he just stared at her. 

Extended hand and all. 

Would she take it?

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