Chapter Three

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Jahim was fully healed. and had made it to the next floor. The door opened and closed. This room was different than the other rooms he was in. It had a large open window to his right and a large open window to his left. In the middle of the room stood a large square pit with a large flame. Even though it was windy from both sides the flame was not affected at all. In fact it made the room quite hot that it caused Jahim to sweat. Jahim looked out the window to see how high up he was and if he could see his master. Jahim couldn't believe what he saw. He looked down and saw his master who liked a tiny figure to him. He could see the temple in which he was raised and the homes surrounding him. He could see the countless trees and he could see the deep blue sea. But what he found most surprising was that he was seeing the sun set. How long did his other trials take him he wondered? He turned around and saw the flame. It was so bright and hot he thought to himself.

"So this is the power of Aatish..." He said. He sat in front of the flame to build up his energy. It took about a hour which consisted of Jahim praying to Aatish and meditating, building his power up. He then stood up and Jahim used all his power to construct a fire shield. He began to walk in the flame. He felt the intensity of the heat. His shield after at first could handle the heat but it couldn't for long. Jahim felt the heat breaking through his shield. It was so powerful and so hot Jahim didn't know if he would survive or not. He was using all the power he had for his shield to stay up and was straining himself. As he tried to withhold the flames. Jahim thought back to what his clone was did and Jahim would try the same. He let his shield down and immediately he felt much pain. He cried out in anguish but he had to get pass that. He summoned the heat in his body and let it flow out. At first it seemed to work, but Aatish's flame resisted Jahim and Jahim seeing this quickly formed a shield. He fell to his knees, full of sweat and burns. He cried out.

"O my Lord Aatish! Why must this challenge be so hard?" Jahim felt his shield breaking, he was tired. It was to much for him. Jahim felt his eyes closing, his body, giving in. He thought of how hard he had come. How far he made it. He resisted Jahrini and he was able to fight and overcome himself. He wondered how many people got to make to even stand up Aatish's flame. And then Jahim thought on how weak he was. He could fight himself and boast of his skills, use his intellect but not withstand a simple flame. He hated his weakness. He thought of what was to come if he was to make it. If he was to become the chosen one. He could end the suffering of future apprentices. He could lead the order into greatness. He would have the honor of his body being used by his God to establish the kingdom.

That would be his new goal. No longer would it be to survive, but he would be the one to lead. He would overcome the other challenges. He would be the one that Aatish will use and nothing would stop him. As he proclaimed his goals to himself, he tapped into more power and would try once more to overcome. He took away his shield and the pains no longer bothered him. No longer did anything matter, he could only focus on his goal and beating this challenge. He let out with a mighty roar his flames. They engulfed the flames of Aatish. It looked as a flower blooming, as water pouring out of a fountain.

They poured over and conquered the flames that once was wining. As Jahim did so he let his flames, his heat, his energy, his will to fully spread out and it did. No longer did the flames harm him. It did nothing. He had survived and endured. And he walked out from the square, his body burnt and himself tired. He fell on his knees in front of the door as it opened. The square lit once more with the great flame. Jahim breathed heavily, gathering his strength to stand up. The large flame from the square extended a bit of itself and covered Jahim's body. It healed him of his wounds and restored his energy. Jahim fully recovered was happy and thanked his lord. He ran up to the next floor with a burst of energy to continue his next trial.

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