Clock in- Clock out

24 2 4

I originally thought that today was going to be another boring, miserable scrabble-drive into the weekend.
I was just about to awkwardly squeeze into the sedan that couldn't fit my tall, lanky build when, to my utter surprise, a shooting star flew by.
I looked at it for a while, and my child-like wonder seeps out.
I sighed, staring at that glowing rock, and said in a low voice,

"I wish today will be different- a wonderful miracle, a meteor shower, a new, hot coworker was hired, it doesn't matter- Something new happens so that, maybe, I can start my weekend off right."
The star, twinkling and launching itself into the horizon, doesn't stop or slow for anyone's wish to affect it.

"Hmm... Why do I bother? For all I know, that star could have simply been an astronaut's morning shit, burning into the atmosphere."
And so, I fell into my hard car seat, turned on the engine, and pulled out of the driveway, not ready for the day's next assault on what humans consider "fun," and "sanity".

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The office looked different somehow.
Not due to the charred, plastic party streamers flowing in the lawn, but mainly due to the large, office module-sized crater, kicked into the ground.
I didn't know how to react, but as I got out of my car, I could see a few of my work friends standing outside in the parking lot.

"What are we gonna do?", I heard the female say, erratic and heavy breathing aside.
"Carla and Sam were in there, do you think they, well, maybe...-"
"There's a slight chance, they could have been able to run to the west wing, at least that area isn't in the dirt right now. Payton and Shay were right behind us, though. They were almost through the door, when-"
"We're ok, that's good..."
I see two of my coworkers, Larry and Karen. They seemed to be frantically tittering and dialing on their phones. Their clothes were covered in ash, possibly from running out of a pummeled office building.
Larry looks up and sees me. His eyes widen, which made me think that his eyelids were about to tear due to the extreme torsion.
"Peyton! Oh my god, thank sweet fuck you were late to work today!"
"What the hell happened? Are you guys ok?"
"I'm okay. There was this giant meteor that came through and crashed into the roof of the commune. We only got out because of the windows shattering, the ringing from the outside, warning us. We nearly thought- well, I thought we were all done."

I looked over at the hole where my cubicle used to be.
Suddenly, I smiled, I took my hands up and hollered, yelled and laughed.
Karen was taken aback by my sudden joy,
"How could you cheer at a time like this? This is horrible!"
"I get to stay home and drink!"

Karen stopped, and she started laughing too. Larry hollered as well.
We took each other by the arms and skipped over to the "Time-Out Tavern"


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