Y/N.Chpt 1

330 8 7

Ryan P.O.V

"Today was tiring wasn't it?"Emma who was walking beside me said. To which I responded with a small mmph.

As we continued walking to our apartments I heard a little whimper. Making me go at a halt. My stop of movement made Emma stop as well and turn her attention to where my attention was. Which was the alleyway right ahead of us.

There I heard the little whimper once again well now we heard it. As we went into the alley we saw a small black cat with a bleeding leg. It looked as if it was in much pain but still was able to keep a bored face. Emma immediately raced over to it.

"OH MY GOD! RYAN ITS BLEEDING NONSTOP!" She said or....more so yelled. I sighed as I walked up behind her it grabbed the little thing and inspected it. "Seems like something must have attacked it if it got that deep of a wound." I said.

"Ill take it home and care for it" Emma said. I responded "No,I don't know if you can take care of pets so I'll take care of it. If my parents let me keep it" I said mumbling the last part.


"Hey,mom? Do you have any bandages?" I called out as I walked in. "Why what happened!? Did you hurt yourself!?" She yelled. "No but I found a cat that got hurt" I heard her sigh of relief and came twords me with a roll of bandages as I sat down on the couch.

As I finished rapping it's leg with the bandages I asked my mom "Hey can I keep the cat?" "Do you think you can take care of it?" She asked "mmhm" I hummed "Fine but if you have trouble with it it's not my fault.What are you gonna name her?" "WAIT ITS A HER?" I asked -yelled-. She hummed before answering "ummmmmm how bout',Y/N?"


330 words!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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